Should I or should I not?

So the wife and I were out and about this weekend. We went through her home town and at a local store they had 20 boxes of Allen and Giner in the blaster boxes. The guy said he'd shave some money off if I bought all of them. I was thinking of getting them and selling them on ebay. However, I've seen a lot of blasters on shelves lately not flying off like they used to.
Should I get them and sell 'em or just leave 'em alone? I have no desire to rip them. Your thoughts. Thanks!
Should I get them and sell 'em or just leave 'em alone? I have no desire to rip them. Your thoughts. Thanks!
only way to profit would be hitting a couple good cards in a rip, doubtful, so stay away
Take the couple hundred and spend a couple nites away from home with the wife