Finds from a quarter "junk" lot - Grade opinions?
I ventured out into a new arena of coin collecting this weekend, perusing a junk lot of 668 silver quarters. The lot included 10 Barbers and 9 Standing Liberties (4 dateless). At 13x face I plan to keep all of the Barbers and the dated SLQ's in addition to numerous Washington's for my freshly started Pre-65 quarter set.
These two are my favorite of the keepers, a 1924 Standing Liberty Quarter and a 1964-D with some sweet toning (IMHO). Grade opinions? A reasonable value on each?
It was a fun weekend project, pretty sure I'll be taking a few more of those home.
These two are my favorite of the keepers, a 1924 Standing Liberty Quarter and a 1964-D with some sweet toning (IMHO). Grade opinions? A reasonable value on each?
It was a fun weekend project, pretty sure I'll be taking a few more of those home.