Wehn you wtire lkie tihs you are speosupd to lvaee the fsirt and lsat ltretes anole and jbmlue up the oens on the idnise. It is slitl esay to raed rlgeerdsas, but lvaineg the odustie lrteets aonle awlols you to raed it wtoihut any htiisetoan. Kdina wider but vrey ture.
Now thats funny.
Like Mantle
Otn rseu ihhwc si rmeo tanigorn, htsi etarhd ro hte evuosipr otps.
<< <i>Otn rseu ihhwc si rmeo tanigorn, htsi etarhd ro hte evuosipr otps.
Steve >>
Wehn you wtire lkie tihs you are speosupd to lvaee the fsirt and lsat ltretes anole and jbmlue up the oens on the idnise. It is slitl esay to raed rlgeerdsas, but lvaineg the odustie lrteets aonle awlols you to raed it wtoihut any htiisetoan. Kdina wider but vrey ture.
<< <i>Otn rseu ihhwc si rmeo tanigorn, htsi etarhd ro hte evuosipr otps.
Steve >>
Well, thats easy for you to say.