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no wonder why more sellers don't report problems to ebay.

here is the letter I received from them concerning Transaction Interference.

Thank you for taking the time to write to eBay's Safe Harbor department.
Transaction Interference is a serious offense and we will investigate
your report as soon as possible, usually within 72 hours.

If we are able to find evidence of Transaction Interference in the email
you have provided, our actions can range from issuing an educational
alert, a temporary suspension, or in some cases an indefinite
suspension. The type of action that we take depends on the specific
situation surrounding an individual account. Things such as the
existence of a previous warning, the nature of the offense and the
length of time as a community member will all be taken into
consideration. Repeated violations of policies will often result in the
suspension of a member's account.

If you did not include evidence of the transaction interference, such as
an email with full headers which you received, please resubmit your
report and include this information.

The full header is extremely important, as we cannot take any kind of
action without it. A header will look like a string of "nonsense"
characters, similar to the example I have pasted for you below. You can
find this by using the "properties" function of your email program.

Return-Path: <sender email address>
Received: from mail-pacbell.net (mail-gw5.pacbell.net []) by
ixmail9.ix.netcom.com (8.8.7-s-4/8.8.7/(NETCOM v1.01)) with ESMTP id;
for <recipient email address>; Mon, 22 Mar 1999 06:34:48 -0800 (PST)

Received: from (ppp-207-214-211-69.sntc01.pacbell.net
[]) by mail-
gw5.pacbell.net (8.8.8/8.7.1) with SMTP id GAA15251;
Mon, 22 Mar 1999 06:34:28 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <36F5D668@pacbell.net>
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 06:34:32 +0100
Reply-To: <sender email address>
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.03-PBI-N303 (Macintosh; I; 68K)
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: <recipients' email address>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

If you are still unable to obtain headers please visit the following


This contains information on how to obtain specific headers for your
email client.

Please keep in mind that due to our privacy policy you will not receive
specific details of our actions. We assure you that we will thoroughly
examine your report. In certain circumstances, we may contact you by
email if we need further information. We pledge, though, that an eBay
Safe Harbor representative will quickly review your report of
transaction interference and apply our guidelines fairly.

**Please do not respond to this email as your reply will not be

We know your time is valuable and we appreciate you taking a moment to
express your concern to us. Thank you for helping to keep eBay a safe
and reputable forum in which to conduct business.


eBay Safeharbor Team

Thanks ebay, I am not a computer expert and was unable to find the "properties" function of your email program, so I decided to just email them a copy of the emails, well after i did that I realized how stupid I am for not reading the whole letter they sent me which states: **Please do not respond to this email as your reply will not be received.

So I gave up and said screw it. realizing that the only thing I really understood was this statement:

A header will look like a string of "nonsense" characters, similar to the example I have pasted for you below.

as the letter they sent me was a bunch of NONSENSE.

Big PSimage please don't reply to this as I will not read any responses. Go ebay go ebay please allow more idiot buyers heck let them have 10 different ebay ids a piece to make it more fun for the sellers.


  • MeteoriteGuyMeteoriteGuy Posts: 7,140 ✭✭
    It has been maybe two years since I have had a response that was not a form letter. In the past 5-6 years ago, eBay use to call me and ask if there was anything they could do for me. Can't imagine that ever happening again.
    Collecting PSA graded Steve Young, Marcus Allen, Bret Saberhagen and 1980s Topps Cards.
    Raw: Tony Gonzalez (low #'d cards, and especially 1/1's) and Steve Young.
  • Just FYI: the buyer that is buying and not paying under different id's is "bidnbuyarun" (narued now ) & his other id is hideawayzee still active user id.

    won the same item twice auction format and of course both times hasn't paid. yippie !

    i think he has 2 other ids and when I find out for sure will post them here also. whoppie!
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