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'RAW' World coins for sale

Please check back periodically as I'll be adding more as I go a long. All new additions will be at the end of the listing. Thanks for looking.

Roman Imperial (note: all these are fully attributed) this tag is an example of the attributation


Faustina Junior 140-161 AD AE Sestertius Fair $7.00
Tetricius I 271-274 AD AE Antoninianus aVF $7.00
Antoninus Pius 155-156 AD AE As Fine $13.00 *SOLD*
Helena 337-340 AD AE4 aVF $8.00
Constantius II 337-340 AD AE4 VF $8.00
Honorius 401-403 AD AE3 VF $8.00 *SOLD*
Constantime II 317-337 AD AE4 aVF $7.00
Constantius II 353-355 AD AE3 VF $7.00
Constantius II 330-335 AD AE3 VF $8.00

Constantine I 322-325 AD AE3 Follis aVF $7.00 *SOLD*
Tetricus I 271-274 AD AE Antoninianus aVF $11.00
Theodosius I 388-392 AD AE4 VF $6.00 *SOLD*
Victorinus 269-270 AD AE Antoninianus aVF $10.00
Constantine I 315 AD AE Follis aVF $7.00
Constantine I 314-315 AD AE Follis VF $8.00


1901 1c VF 2.00
1902 1c VG .50
1908 1c EF 3.00
1909 1c VG .50
1916 1c EF 1.50
1917 1c Unc. 12.00
1917 1c G .25
1918 1c G .20
1918 1c VG .25
1918 1c AU 2.00
1918 AU/Unc. 6.00
1924 1c VF 5.50
(2)1932 1c EF @ .60
1930 1c VF 1.75
1930 1c EF 2.50
1964 1c RED BU .60
1978 1c CH BU .05

1871 5c VG 14.
1872-H 5c G+ .50
1880 5c G+ 1.50
1888 5c VG 4.00
1900 5c oval 00 VF 14.00
1900 5c rnd 00 VF+ 38.
(2) 1902 5c VF+ @ 4.50
1902 5c G 1.00
1902-H 5c Lg H EF 7.50
1902-H 5c Lg H AU 13.00
1902-H 5c Sm H VF
1912 5c EF 6.00
1915 5c (key) F 10.00
(2) 1919 5c VF @ 1.50
1920 5c VG .50
1922 5c RF 6.00
1937 DOT 5c AU 2.50
1941 5c AU 3.00
1943 5c EF .50

1881-H 10c G 4.00
1886 10c damage 4.00
1892 10c G 7.00
1902 10c VG 4.00
1907 10c F 4.00
1913 10c F 1.50
1872-H 25C G 8.00
1872-H 25c VF 30.
1874-H 25c G 3.50
1894 25c 5.00
(3) 1905 25c G @ 5.00
1907 25c G 4.50
1910 25c G 3.00
1910 25c F/VF 17.00
1920 25c G/VG 3.00
1930 25c F clnd 3.00

1919 50c G+ 5.50
1929 50c VG 6.00
(3) 1954 50c CH AU @ 8.00
1950 $1 F 12.00
1966 $1 P-L CAMEO 16.00
1972 $1 SP Toned Rev. 7.00
NFLD 1942-C 10c F 1.00
NFLD 1912 25c VF 8.00
NFLD 1917-C 25c F 4.00
NFLD 1908 50c VG 6.50


Austria 1884 1FL EF 15.
Belgium 1873 5F Unc. 35. *SOLD*
Australia 1959 1/2d BU 1.00
Gr. Brit. 1849 Gothic Florin VG 9.00
Crete 1900A 20L F 9.50
France 1914 25c Unc. 14.00
France 1922 10c Unc. 3.00
Gr. Brit. 1964 1d MS63RB 1.00
Gr. Brit 1837 Farthing G/VG 1.75
Gr. Brit. 1855 Gothic Florin G (clnd) 8.00 *SOLD*
Gr. Brit 1877 Florin EF 33.
Gr. Brit 1883 2p Maundy toned color AU 25.
Gr. Brit 1955 Farthing Red BU 3.00
Gr. Brit. Conder Token Warwickshire D&H 254 F 14.
Greece 1878K 10L F 1.00
Italy 1955 50L AU 8.00

Philippines 1944 1c Ch. BU 1.00
Portugal 19278 5c BU 9.00
Russia 1861 10K F 5.50
Gr. Brit 1822 Crown G (clnd) 20. *SOLD*
Gr. Brit 1821 Crown G (clnd) 20. *SOLD*
Russia 1893 10K VG 2.50
Australia 1937 Crown MS62 43.00
Gr. Brit. 1922 ½ Crown F 4.25
Russia 1851 2 kopeks EF 17.00
Spain 1808CN 2 R G 4.00 *SOLD*
Spain (Barcelona) 1812 4 Quartos VG 8.00 *SOLD*

Thailand 1916 1 Baht BU 32.
Thailand 1920 satang Unc. 3.00
Thailand 1937 ½ satang Nice BU 4.00
Thailand 1941 1 satang Y-54 one year issue? BU 5.00
Uruguay 1936 5c Unc. 8.00
Prussia 1864A Groschen G/VG 2.00
Serbia 1917 20 Para Unc. 24.00
Serbia 1915 50 Para VF (clnd) 4.00
(2) Venezuela 1945 Bol Unc. @ 4.50
Venezuela 1960 1 Bol Ch. BU 4.25
Venezuela 1965 2 Bol Gem BU 6.00


Australia One-Two Cents in Dansco Album 1966-1985 (42 diff coins) no 1969 2c and no mint set coins AU-BU Dansco Album in excellent condition and is probably more valuable than the coins. $25.00

Australia Penny Set in Dansco Album 1911 – 1964 (72 diff coins) G-AU no 1925, 1930, and 1946. Dansco in excellent condition. MAKE OFFER

Great Britain Minor Type Set #1 in Whitman Bookshelf Album. No Maundy coins. No George V 3p. Coins grade G-BU (35 coins). Album in Fair shape. $50.

Great Britain Minor Type Set #2 in Whitman Bookshelf Ablum. No Maundy coins. Coins grade Unc. - BU. Missing:
Edward VII Farthing
George V 1/2d
Edward VII 1d
George V 1d
George V 1d
George VI 1d
Edward VII 3p
Edward VII 6p
George V 6p
George V (1927-36) 6p

Price: Krause value: $292. sell for $160. dates of coins available. PM me if interested.

France 1965 FDC 7 coin set in case 25.

Added 8/4/10

South Africa 2002 50c elephants 50mm silver coin ,
0.9250, ASW 2.2722 oz. Price: $55.


Benin 'Marijuana' coin 2010 100F $85.

Added 8/6/10
(12) rolls of Unc. Canadian cents. (6) 1963 and (6) 1964. The 1964 rolls are in marked banked rolls. $19.


Added 8/8/10

1870 Canadian fractional note in riveted hard plastic case Sell for $18.


Added 8/23/10

British 1/2d set 1937-1970 incl. 1937, 1950, 1951,1953 and 1970 Proof. All other coins Unc-Gem BU. 1957 Calm Sea variety also included. Total 36 coins. Sell for $130.

Shipping to be determined according to volume and value. Money Order, check, or no-fee PayPal. Any questions please PM me.

'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'

CU #3245 B.N.A. #428



  • ajaanajaan Posts: 17,461 ✭✭✭✭✭

    'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'

    CU #3245 B.N.A. #428

  • coinandcurrency242coinandcurrency242 Posts: 1,962 ✭✭✭✭
    do you have any photos of the anceint coins by chance?

    Positive BST as a seller: Namvet69, Lordmarcovan, Bigjpst, Soldi, mustanggt, CoinHoader, moursund, SufinxHi, al410, JWP

  • ajaanajaan Posts: 17,461 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Added 8/23/10

    British 1/2d set 1937-1970 incl. 1937, 1950, 1951,1953 and 1970 Proof. All other coins Unc-Gem BU. 1957 Calm Sea variety also included. Total 36 coins. Sell for $135.

    'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'

    CU #3245 B.N.A. #428

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