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Bermuda Cruise - Not the vacation I was expecting

Well me and the wife saved enough to take a cruise to Bermuda with the kids. We left last Saturday and returned today (Thursday). Saturday and Sunday were great. We played mini golf with the kids, ping pong and saw some shows on the ship. Monday we went to Horseshoe Beach. It was a blast! Beautiful beach that has not changed from the wife's and I last trip there 16 years ago. I will post some pictures if I can.

Well the downside, the idiots me and the wife are as we either used expired sunblock or did not apply it properly or whatever. We all got burned pretty bad. It seems like I got the worst of it as I just got back from the doctors and .......yes I have 2nd degree burns. My back, upper arms, and shoulders are all blistering pretty bad. There is not much he could do for the pain except maybe some Percocet which I declined before he ever got to saying that may be overkill on medication. I am taking plain Aspirin and will be applying some creme when the prescription is ready.

Boy this really sucks.

The good news is that it appears that my kids only have a bad sunburn and not 2nd degree burns. If they did, I would have been devestated to have let that happen to them. Thank God its only me with the burns.......the kids are off playing somewhere right now.

We did go into Hamilton and I bought my wife a ring for our Annivsary.....there goes another $300.00. Then on the way back to the ship, she trips on an uneven sidewalk and banged up her knee and scraped her face on the sidewalk. She ended up with a bloddy nose, cut nose, upper and lower lips, cuts on her hand and scratched up her sunglasses.

Oh well. Maybe our next trip in a few years will be better. I don't see how it could be worse other than the ship sinking.

ebay seller name milbroco
email bcmiller7@comcast.net


  • JHS5120JHS5120 Posts: 1,968 ✭✭✭
    Sorry to hear about the sunburn but it sounded like you had fun. image
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    "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." Dr. Seuss
  • TabeTabe Posts: 6,185 ✭✭✭✭✭
    My wife got 2nd degree burns from a sunburn once when we went tubing in Colorado. She ended up being dehydrated with blisters that were like 6" long. It was awful. She drank gallons of water for several days in a row and Mother Nature never once called - that's how dried out she was. Fortunately, she recovered and all is good now image

  • ZixxZixx Posts: 228 ✭✭
    I heard recently that the SPF factor you see on the sunblock stuff isn't a rating of how well it protects you, but rather how long it protects you for. Go swimming, redo the sunblock. Didn't know that, if it's truly what it in fact means.

    My last cruise--first and only so far--was a ride over the tsunami in February when it passed Cabo San Lucas. Didn't feel anything, but like a T-shirt, I'm just saying it cuz I was there image Kinda neat claim to fame heh

    Sorry to hear you guys didn't have the perfect trip, but you have some great stories for years, I'll bet!
  • EAsportsEAsports Posts: 1,566 ✭✭✭
    You are not alone.

    We went tubing 10 years ago or so. My buddy and I thought, hey we're pretty hairy... don't need sunscreen on the legs. Forgetting that the legs are probably the most exposed part in a tube. Our wives told us otherwise, but we didn't listen.

    I got it bad.... but he got it baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.

    Like couldn't wear socks for two weeks bad.

    It happens.
    My LSU Autographs

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  • A little late now, but here's some info on the SPF system and sunscreen imageText

    I've never had anything close to blistering, but I definitely know what a solid sunburn feels like. I always coat my face in zink before surfing, but as far as my back and arms go... I'm hit or miss and sometimes don't bother with sunscreen and opt to surf in a t-shirt instead. Skin cancer's fairly common around here- my girlfriend's dad had a few spots removed from his arm a couple weeks ago- but he's been out in that Florida sun playing baseball and golfing for many many years now and many of those years never wore any sort of sunscreen.

    Heal up image
  • AnkurJAnkurJ Posts: 11,370 ✭✭✭✭
    Sorry to hear about your bad experience!

    My wife and I went to Bermuda a few years ago for our anniversary. It was a bit pricey. We flew in and stayed in Hamilton. Horseshoe bay is the best beach I have ever been to, and hope to be there in my afterlife on the beach with my wife image

    Hamilton was great though. I agree about the sunburn. Even though I put a lot of sunblock on, I still managed to get burned. Hope you get better soon!
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  • tunahead08tunahead08 Posts: 1,063 ✭✭✭
    I feel your pain... one year me and my pasty white Minnesota skin went to Florida... also ended up with 2nd degree burns and some nasty blistering on my back and shoulders! Not a good time!
  • Brian48Brian48 Posts: 2,624 ✭✭✭
    Hey, I went on a cruise to Bermuda last year with Norwegian Cruiselines. Visited Hamilton as well. The cruise itself was rather blah, but it was great when we got there. Went to Horseshoe Bay beach, the local zoo/aquarium, the Crystal Caves, etc.. Even took the family on sea dive with Hartley tours.

  • itzagoneritzagoner Posts: 8,753 ✭✭
    it's like a 2nd language to resort locals.....

    come to Hawaii
    go to shore
    put on some more
    after swim
    cover your skin
    if you bubble
    you in trouble! image
  • stevekstevek Posts: 29,632 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Been there done that with the sunburns from a few trips to Florida. One time, some of the blisters were about the size of ping pong balls - brutal and painful - and not much ya can do about it except let it heal up by itself.

    Might be skin cancer city for me later on in life...I keep a close eye on that and so far, so good.
  • baseballfanbaseballfan Posts: 5,464 ✭✭✭
    i loved Bermuda!!!!!

    sorry about the sun, did you go swimming in the cave, the one on a hotel property?

    collecting RAW Topps baseball cards 1952 Highs to 1972. looking for collector grade (somewhere between psa 4-7 condition). let me know what you have, I'll take it, I want to finish sets, I must have something you can use for trade.

    looking for Topps 71-72 hi's-62-53-54-55-59, I have these sets started

  • The sunburn/tubing story reminded me of a funny (more for the rest of the family than my father) story from my youth. My mom was the outdoorsy-type but my father is Jewish, born and raised in Manhattan. In other words, not outdoorsy at all (huge baseball fan though--saw Ruth taking batting practice for the Dodgers in 1938, was at Larsen's PG, and Mays' catch in 1954). Anyhow, the family went tubing on a river in Florida, Juniper River I think, a beautiful place if you ever get the chance. So my mother, my brother and I splash around the whole way, get off the tube and swim from time to time, holding onto the tube with our hands, that sort of thing. But my dad just sits in the tube like a recliner the whole way and lets the current take him. He shows up about an hour after the rest of the family gets to the end point. When he gets out of the tube we all learn the error of his method--he has a very distinctive bright red burns across his lower back and the backs of his legs, like a circle around his butt. Weirdest, and most hilarious, sunburn of all time.
    Thank you,
    Jonathan Scheier
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  • mtcardsmtcards Posts: 3,340 ✭✭✭
    Funny you mention a cruise story..I just paid for a 7 day to the Caymans, Cozumel, Belize and San Roatan, just today. Carnival, leaving Tampa Jan. 16, 2011...come one come all

    I know what you mean about sunburn, though. The last cruise my wife and I took was about 12 years ago to the Eastern Carribean. In stopping in Aruba, we went swimming at one of the beaches. Being the man and not thinking we would be out too long, I decided to forego the sunscreen, but not before my wife laid her hands on my shoulders with it all over her hands. You can almost guess where this goes......skip foreward a few hours...we spent about 2 hours on the beach before returning to the cruise ship. When we got to our room to change, I had one hell of a sunburn, EXCEPT.......two areas in the shape of a hand, including fingers, right along my shoulder line. If I can find the picture we took of it, its hilarious. Needless to say, I am now a firm believer in sunscreen as I spent the last few days in misery and stayed mainly indoors.
  • gregm13gregm13 Posts: 5,798 ✭✭✭
    Sorry to hear that! 2 1/2 years ago my wife and I spent 5 days at the Dreams resort in Tulum, Mexico. One day, we decided to lounge on the beach for 4 or 5 hours....so I put on my shorts, t-shirt, a healthy dose of suncreen and my sunglasses. On the way to the beach, we decided to use our free vouchers for the spa...so I got an hour long massage (no happy ending) and my wife had a manicure/pedicure. By this time, it was approaching lunchtime so we ate at one of the restaurants on the beach. We ate ceviche and I had 3 Corona's. Finally we made our way to the beach and spent several hours lounging and swimming in the ocean.

    Well - later that night I started to turn bright red (I have a fairly light complexion) and had several blisters forming.... I couldn't understand why I was so sunburned (especially after applying such a healthy dose of sunscreen). Then it dawned on me.... Yes, I did apply sunscreen, but afterward I had a massage and the massge oil amplified the power of the sun and broasted me.

    That evening before dinner we went to the shop at the resort and I paid an obscene amount of money for a bottle of Tropical Sun burn relief with Lidicane (sp??) which helped somewhat....but I was still uncomfortable for several days afterwards.

    Hope you and the misses are doing better.


    Greg M.
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