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They say, "As June 30 stock market goes, so goes the rest of the year".

BearBear Posts: 18,953 ✭✭✭
If true, not a pleasant thought unless you are short. Of course, this
may mean just the opposite effect for PMs.
There once was a place called


  • Bombs away !
  • morgansforevermorgansforever Posts: 8,462 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Another 90 plus drop today, seems everyday it's another 100 points or so.
    I've considered pulling out of my 401k, and converting all of it to physical gold.
    I would have been better off stashing it under my mattress, for real image
    How much longer can we continue kicking the debt down the road?
    World coins FSHO Hundreds of successful BST transactions U.S. coins FSHO
  • BearBear Posts: 18,953 ✭✭✭
    The stalled financial bill is a farce. It is intended to look good
    without actually solving many of our financial problems.

    Congress has long since stopped representing the people and now
    with a very few exceptions, represent the industries that support them.

    Taxation, half the people pay no Federal tax while the top tax rate has dropped
    from 90% to 35%.How the heck can any government survive when its income is
    only enough to cover perhaps 2/3 of the budget and non of the accrued debt principle.

    Whether the people like it or not, regardless which political party rules,taxes must go up,
    benefits of all types will be cut and I would be strongly in favor of cutting the pay of congress
    for every year we do not have a balanced budget.

    We must and we will pull the bulk of our forces out of Afghanistan by the 6/2011. We will leave
    perhaps 20,000 troops in the Capital and N. part of the country as well as 3000 special force type
    troops as well as drone aircraft to deal with Taliban leaders. It is not victory but it will be the best
    we can do as we prepare to face new crises Situations in the World.

    I frankly do not trust the stock market for J6P people like us. It is rigged worse then a Vegas Casino.
    Only a few, very astute and nimble people will make money over the next few years. As for PMs, as
    President Lincoln said about a mule ,who was so skittish that he put one of his feet in the stirrups, "Well
    If you are going to get in the saddle, I might as well get off. So many people are putting their money and
    hopes in PMs, I wonder If some Governmental fiat will rigg the game even worse then it now seems to be.

    It seems to me ,that we are in for a decade or more of high unemployment, slow growth of GDP, as well as
    frozen or reduced wages and benefits. A somewhat grim outlook but not necessarily fatal. This will be the bitter
    medicine required for kicking the can down the road for so many years as well as squandering the capital wealth
    of an entire Nation.

    I truly do not see how the average person can hope to take back our Government, in view of the moneyed interests
    that have controlled it for so long and so totally.No matter who we nominate, no matter who we elect, they all seem
    to feed from the same trough. Seeing how our representatives are such pigs, perhaps we should consider a massive BBQ
    with our representatives as the food of honor.
    There once was a place called
  • BBQnBLUESBBQnBLUES Posts: 1,803
    BRAVO Bear !!!

    You just summed up our Country's problems most eloquently.

    ps. I'll bring the BBQ Sauce for the Congressional Pulled Pork.
  • dino2008dino2008 Posts: 341 ✭✭
    asian mrkt is dropping like a rock as I typeimage
  • renman95renman95 Posts: 7,037 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bear, don't you find all of this very convenient for the retiring 76 million baby boomers in this decade?

    It reminds me of Japan's two lost-decades. Their demographics, as far as an aging population, are foreshadowing for the US.

  • BearBear Posts: 18,953 ✭✭✭
    We are not as bad as Japan because they do not allow immigration and are
    a homogeneous population with a declining birth rate. In the US, while we also
    have a low birth rate ,our immigration laws allow substantial new blood into the
    Nation. However, we have only 3 workers supporting each retiree down from 11
    workers when Social Security was founded in the late 30s. This problem can be
    solved by the following:

    1. Tax all income up to 250,000 of earning for SS Taxes, and index it for inflation.
    At present it stops at about 110,000 dollars.

    2. Accelerate the increase in full benefit retirement age

    3. Reduce or eliminate the inflation increase each year. Even though the Government
    manipulation of statistics ,did not allow an increase this year.

    4. Prevent the Government spending the SS surplus on other Governmental programs

    5. There is some discussion as to placing a small portion of the incoming funds into
    stocks until 10 - 15% of the money surplus is in stocks. This is done in a number of European
    countries as well as Canada.I am always dubious of this as letting the rapacious nose of the
    financial camels get into the tent. We open the door and the vested interests will blow the door
    off of its hinges.
    There once was a place called
  • No worries guys, the House approved the new financial regulation bill. Everything will be fixed in a couple months.
  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭

    Or, we could just let folks under age 55 opt out of SS now.

    That would cap the damages that the scheme has caused
    AND stop the ongoing theft from folks who will/may NEVER
    see a cent from the SCAM.

    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • BearBear Posts: 18,953 ✭✭✭
    I read somewhere that the average working person had only 30,000 put away in a
    401K for retirement. Let us say the person retires with 60,000 dollars and gets 5%
    interest or dividends. How many people do you know who can live on 3,000 a year.
    Sure some folks can provide for themselves very well, by astutely handling their
    finances, however, I would venture to bet that 80% of the working people would be
    in serious financial distress that would prevent them ever retiring. Social Security
    for all of its faults is one of the best programs ever devised for Americans. Its defects
    can be solved with a number of relatively small adjustment if they are done soon.

    The scam as you refer to it, has allowed people to retire in dignity, for over 70 years.
    Many of those people were our parents and grandparents.
    There once was a place called
  • I really wish there was a way to opt of social security. I'm 26 right now and would happily pay into it for the next 10 years and get nothing, if I wouldn't have to pay any more after those 10 years. Most people I've talked to my age agree.

    The old already steal enough money from the young with all their government benefits. Plus the fact that most corporations pay you a salary based off how old you are, and not how good you are at your job.
  • BearBear Posts: 18,953 ✭✭✭
    I will grant you an ancient wisdom grasshopper

    To soon old.....To late smart!
    There once was a place called
  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    "...The scam as you refer to it, has allowed people to retire in dignity, for over 70 years.
    Many of those people were our parents and grandparents. ..."


    If I start a Ponzi scheme, I will be jailed.

    SS is a TOTAL SCAM. First in make money, last
    in get the shaft.

    How other folks retire is NOT my problem. How I
    retire should NOT be anybody else's problem.


    wpr101 is absolutely right. He is being stolen from
    AND he will never get his money back.

    Since I was stolen from too, I will soon be sidling up
    to the trough and be stealing from wpr101. It is not
    impossible that I will get lots of my money back ---
    maybe even make a small profit; wpr101's money
    is lost to him and soon I will have some of it.

    THAT is criminal and needs to be halted. If it is not,
    America has NO economic future.

    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • gsa1fangsa1fan Posts: 5,566 ✭✭✭
    Biggest problem in this country. Young folks have NO respect for their elders!

    Some folks just were not raised to. Spare the rod spoil the child.

    This country was built one brick at a time. Your parents & grand parents built their home/nest egg that way too.

    Look at proven time tested success. It can not be down loaded or copy & pasted.

    I was once young and thought I knew it all. When my daddy pasted away when I was 29.

    I finally started to listen to what he tried to teach me when I was young.

    My life started to get easier & prosperous after I listened to his advice.

    Remember one brick at a time! Peace, Tim
    Avid collector of GSA's.
  • pf70collectorpf70collector Posts: 6,672 ✭✭✭
    I have been out of the market for a year now. I see more of a chance the Dow back at 6500 than I do at 11000. If it goes back to 6500, I don't see it coming back for quite a while. The Dow came back only because of Government intervention and when I got most of my investments back in my 401K , I pulled out.. I believe the Feds are out of options.

    Social Security
    for all of its faults is one of the best programs ever devised for Americans. Its defects
    can be solved with a number of relatively small adjustment if they are done soon.

    I agree, it has its defects and one of them is the need of a lock box to keep the politicians from blundering this Trust Fund of the American People.
  • ebaytraderebaytrader Posts: 3,312 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I have been out of the market for a year now. I see more of a chance the Dow back at 6500 than I do at 11000. If it goes back to 6500, I don't see it coming back for quite a while. The Dow came back only because of Government intervention and when I got most of my investments back in my 401K , I pulled out.. I believe the Feds are out of options.

    Social Security
    for all of its faults is one of the best programs ever devised for Americans. Its defects
    can be solved with a number of relatively small adjustment if they are done soon.

    I agree, it has its defects and one of them is the need of a lock box to keep the politicians from blundering this Trust Fund of the American People. >>

    Many moons ago, municipal govt employees were allowed to opt out of Social Security. Those employees were allowed to invest privately. Those retiring today realize a payout of 150% to 300% of those in the SS system with similar pay histories. Search "Galveston social security opt out". You'll never here of this in the msm.

    A " lock box"?????????? WTH is that?!?!?!?!?! image

    How about privatizing Social Security so that each earner has their own account to invest conservatively? No one would ever have to look the the nanny state for welfare again.

  • pf70collectorpf70collector Posts: 6,672 ✭✭✭
    A " lock box"?????????? WTH is that?!?!?!?!?!

    lock box

    I am not a senior citizen.
  • BearBear Posts: 18,953 ✭✭✭
    I have found that the majority of people do NOT invest wisely, if they invest at all.

    Many people have no pension money other then what they get from Social Security.

    Nothing stops astute young people from starting their own Keogh or 401K plan and

    investing their own money as they deem fit. The Social Security was intended as one

    leg of a three legged stool. The other two legs of the retirement plan were personal

    savings and finally a company retirement plan. If the complaint is that the Government

    is dictating to people about their retirement plans.....the answer is yes!. So many people are

    young and foolish and fail to do the basic things we all must do ,to insure their retirement funding.

    Does the Government have the right to think for people, sometimes it may be the best thing for

    people in insuring their welfare and that of their family.

    As president of an Employee pharmacist organization, I often received calls from distraught widows

    asking if the Association provided any life insurance, as their deceased spouse had non. It was heart breaking

    that a health professional would neglect such a basic part of estate planning. In several cases, all the Widow had was the survivor

    benefits provided by social security for her and her young children.

    Social Security is not a Ponzi scheme, rather it is a contract with the working people of the Nation ,that we all share in the need

    to provide for working men and women at the end of their working life. If we were to take the attitude that it is each person for

    themselves, it would be a cruel Nation of broken lives and broken dreams. Sure, some astute people could do better taking their

    contribution and playing the market, but this would probably be a benefit to only 10% of the population.

    Perhaps it is not always the most lucrative monetary concept, but the need of society as a whole, to care for its sick, poor and aged

    population, is a part of a civilized society. To do less, is to truly return to the laws of the jungle.

    If people do not agree, that is alright as this is a Nation of free speech and thought. As one gets older, however, harsh realities

    and unforseen circumstances bring enlightenment , compassion as well as need for such considerations.image
    There once was a place called
  • The vast majority of people on Social Security don't need it to survive. There are obviously exceptions to that, but it's not as if old people are dying in the streets in this country.

    Social Security was created by FDR to take away liberty from the people and to secure the woman vote for the Democrat party. It has been successful in both of its goals.

    If the argument is people are not smart enough to save for retirement, then why are people smart enough for anything... that same argument could apply to every aspect of our lives.
  • fishcookerfishcooker Posts: 3,446 ✭✭

    I think "Pro-Choice" should apply to Social Security. My body shouldn't have to work for others because the government says so.
  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭

    "...Does the Government have the right to think for people, sometimes it may be the best thing for

    people in insuring their welfare and that of their family....."



    It is NEVER best for govt to "think for people."

    The filthy govts "work" for those people. They were NOT formed
    to "think" for the people. They were formed to protect the people
    from people/entities that wanted to DICTATE the thoughts/actions
    of the people.

    The ONLY upside of SS will/may fall to holders of inflation-sensitive
    investments; like precious metals. When SS bankrupts America -
    and there are no more young peasants to STEAL from - gold may
    have some nice value.

    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • ebaytraderebaytrader Posts: 3,312 ✭✭✭

    << <i>A " lock box"?????????? WTH is that?!?!?!?!?!

    lock box

    I am not a senior citizen. >>

    That is laffable.
  • KonaheadKonahead Posts: 1,476 ✭✭✭
    image well said, you are truly a wise old bear. When the SHTF I hope you have room in that cave.
    PEACE! This is the first day of the rest of your life.

    Fred, Las Vegas, NV
  • KonaheadKonahead Posts: 1,476 ✭✭✭

    << <i>"...The scam as you refer to it, has allowed people to retire in dignity, for over 70 years.
    Many of those people were our parents and grandparents. ..."


    If I start a Ponzi scheme, I will be jailed.

    SS is a TOTAL SCAM. First in make money, last
    in get the shaft.

    How other folks retire is NOT my problem. How I
    retire should NOT be anybody else's problem.


    wpr101 is absolutely right. He is being stolen from
    AND he will never get his money back.

    Since I was stolen from too, I will soon be sidling up
    to the trough and be stealing from wpr101. It is not
    impossible that I will get lots of my money back ---
    maybe even make a small profit; wpr101's money
    is lost to him and soon I will have some of it.

    THAT is criminal and needs to be halted. If it is not,
    America has NO economic future. >>

    I fail to see how you view this as "stealing". I as you have been paying into this crap all my life and at this point I just want my money back with interest. Nothing more and nothing less! I for one never expect to see much of it or expect the government to figure out some way to screw me out of this money. I would have been much happier keeping the money so I cound invest as I decided. I don't need a baby sitter.
    PEACE! This is the first day of the rest of your life.

    Fred, Las Vegas, NV
  • KonaheadKonahead Posts: 1,476 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I have found that the majority of people do NOT invest wisely, if they invest at all.

    Many people have no pension money other then what they get from Social Security.

    Nothing stops astute young people from starting their own Keogh or 401K plan and

    investing their own money as they deem fit. The Social Security was intended as one

    leg of a three legged stool. The other two legs of the retirement plan were personal

    savings and finally a company retirement plan. If the complaint is that the Government

    is dictating to people about their retirement plans.....the answer is yes!. So many people are

    young and foolish and fail to do the basic things we all must do ,to insure their retirement funding.

    Does the Government have the right to think for people, sometimes it may be the best thing for

    people in insuring their welfare and that of their family.

    As president of an Employee pharmacist organization, I often received calls from distraught widows

    asking if the Association provided any life insurance, as their deceased spouse had non. It was heart breaking

    that a health professional would neglect such a basic part of estate planning. In several cases, all the Widow had was the survivor

    benefits provided by social security for her and her young children.

    Social Security is not a Ponzi scheme, rather it is a contract with the working people of the Nation ,that we all share in the need

    to provide for working men and women at the end of their working life. If we were to take the attitude that it is each person for

    themselves, it would be a cruel Nation of broken lives and broken dreams. Sure, some astute people could do better taking their

    contribution and playing the market, but this would probably be a benefit to only 10% of the population.

    Perhaps it is not always the most lucrative monetary concept, but the need of society as a whole, to care for its sick, poor and aged

    population, is a part of a civilized society. To do less, is to truly return to the laws of the jungle.

    If people do not agree, that is alright as this is a Nation of free speech and thought. As one gets older, however, harsh realities

    and unforseen circumstances bring enlightenment , compassion as well as need for such considerations.image >>

    Maybe if the school system was more concerned with teaching life skills and having kids learn instead of making them feel good and dumbing them down this would not be the case. Very sad state we are in! image
    PEACE! This is the first day of the rest of your life.

    Fred, Las Vegas, NV
  • BearBear Posts: 18,953 ✭✭✭
    Very true indeed and most unfortunate. School children are not taught about

    the need,to be prudent, responsible and diligent about future needs. More then

    likely, it is only the now and the near that is of concern to the young. Those of us

    who were born before, during or just after the Great Depression, learned those lessons

    in a very hard manner indeed.
    There once was a place called
  • melikecoinsmelikecoins Posts: 1,154 ✭✭
    Oh well

    I don't buy slabs I make them
  • BaleyBaley Posts: 22,661 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ah, Bear, RIP buddy, you have no more worries evermore

    Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry

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