Mike Tyson rookie (boxing)
Mike Tyson panini finally popped up on ebay. I thought i would get it for around 20 bucks. I ended up losing the auction someone sniped it for 82 bucks. I couldn't believe it sold for this much. I've been waiting for a while for one of these to pop up. I even got caught up in the last minute bidding and bid 75 for it. I am a bit confused about the card though. In the pop report psa lists card number 153 as a 1985 panini card. I've seen the same card listed as 1986 and 1987. Does anyone know if there are different variations of card number 153 and it was produced over 3 years. Or is the 1985 a mistake on the pop report? I ended up googling the card and found one listed as 1987 panini for 25 bucks.
Scans of most of my Misc rookies can be found <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://forums.collectors.com/m...y&keyword1=Non%20major">here
Take care
Fun to look back in the past.