Posts: 748 ✭
What is it???
tggr, I'm glad you asked this. I've been wondering that myself and my thinking was "John Q. Public" and just could decipher that out of "J6P".
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We had tried to define poor a few years ago on the motherthread and we settled for IR S earners as a definition or at least a base line for identifying who is poor. I guess J6P is gapped between unpoor and not quite middleclass as far as economics go but you really can't be too comfortable with that characterization because there are plenty of observed J6P's with excess bens. J6P might pay income taxes at the end of the year or may not. We really just can't run up to a likely suspect and grab them by the collar and ask "Are you J6P?" because they might not be and how embarassing would that be...you could get locked up! J6P is out there, and they are tryin'.
The name would assume you could find J6P drinkin' beers in the back yard and playing spades while the dog lays near by, or she could be driving that 12 year old Vette in your rear view mirror that's trying to get around you, he might even be on the 19th hole drinkin' lager on tap or the girl in the tent next you at the campground suckin' on a frosty cold PBR. We all probably have been at one time or the other...J6P.
Here's to J6P. hip hip hur ra, hip hip hur ra, hip hip hur ra.
Best wishes for a great holiday weekend to all.
All of the J6P's I know around here would get MIGHTY offended if they knew that this term was in reference to them.......they wouldn't even be considered with anything less than J12P.
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