Best way to sell scrap jewelery?

Whats the best way to sell under 100 grams of scrap 18k and 14k, simple chains and pendants et cetera, and get as close to spot as possible? Or is it better to sell as pure jewelry on ebay if the items are not broken?
I just received a nice check for placer I had. I checked four local places when prices broke $1100 for their offers which went from 650 to $1250 for the lot. Midwest's check was $1986.00. I figured 2K from the beginning because I have the assey of .92 fine done decades ago. One guy swore it was 10K stuff and I was getting the best deal around. For Midwest, I've got more on the way.
Why sell it to someone whose is going to send it to a refinery when you can send it yourself?
Does anyone else have results on this or care to chime in?