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The Same Coin is on eBay and Teletrade at the same time?


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    dohdoh Posts: 6,457 ✭✭✭
    Interesting...the eBay seller lists it as "accelerated toning" image
    And: "Item(s) will be shipped to Buyer within 3 to 19 business days of date payment is received." WTH? 19 days? How does this clown stay in business?
    Positive BST transactions with: too many names to list! 36 at last count.
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    Possibly Not, just two very similar. Even if they were both listed on the sites, they may be trying to gauge the range of the market to see how many people would consider buying it than pull away at the last minute. Nice looking coin though.
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    braddickbraddick Posts: 23,447 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Possibly Not, just two very similar. Even if they were both listed on the sites, they may be trying to gauge the range of the market to see how many people would consider buying it than pull away at the last minute. Nice looking coin though. >>

    The same coin, trust me.
    And, it has been offered many times on Teletrade. I know as I am frequently the underbidder no matter what 'moon money' bid I place.
    I've also viewed it, off and on with eBay.

    Just never at the same time.


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    <<The same coin, trust me.
    And, it has been offered many times on Teletrade. I know as I am frequently the underbidder no matter what 'moon money' bid I place.
    I've also viewed it, off and on with eBay.

    It's unethical but not illegal.
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    braddickbraddick Posts: 23,447 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I agree.
    Kind of wasn't looking at it from that angle other than if one outbid the owner on Teletrade and another on eBay.


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    It can't be that profitable of a business if he's double dipping as well as 3-19 business day delivery. Eventually he will have to sell, because he'll be eating up the fees from both sides, if he doesn't. In any case, let's hope the coin finds it's way into the right hands for the lowest price possible.
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    dohdoh Posts: 6,457 ✭✭✭
    So I e-mailed the seller this question:
    "This coin is in an upcoming Teletrade auction. Can you explain that please? Also, how would it 19 business days to ship after payment?"

    His completely non-sensical response:
    "thanks will try to email direct tomorrow day off today not enough room here! MANY THANKS! David 435-752-0245 OFFICE 435-770-1958 mobile PHONE IS USUALLY BEST!. gcde@gcdexch.com gcde@digis.net"

    Positive BST transactions with: too many names to list! 36 at last count.
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    fastfreddiefastfreddie Posts: 2,790 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Currently running, right now on eBay (with a BIN)

    Listed in this Sunday's sale on Teletrade.

    image >>

    His lousey feedback says it all - crooked as the day is long.
    It is not that life is short, but that you are dead for so very long.
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    PawPaulPawPaul Posts: 5,845
    It is possible (and within guidelines/rules) to have a coin for sale on eBay , and Teletrade , and the BST board, at a Coin Show , etc

    ........ ..all simultaneously ;

    it may not be acceptable to everyone - but it's done
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    PawPaulPawPaul Posts: 5,845
    UltraCoin was the subject of a thread last month .......
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    19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,487 ✭✭✭✭
    A month ago today:

    "this guy is a --------------------------------------------REAL DIRTBAG----------", vespfreemelissa

    I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

    The name is LEE!
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    djdilliodondjdilliodon Posts: 1,938 ✭✭
    My take he puts the shipping down as 19 days because he has to win it on teletrade and wait to get it himself. Then if that happens he will crack it out and sell it raw.
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    PawPaulPawPaul Posts: 5,845
    and for heaven's sakes - I hope no one would buy it off eBay with the buy it now ;

    then turn around and bid it up to say a couple thousand on T.T :

    because the seller would have to buy it back on T.T in order to keep his commitment to the eBay buyer , and that buy back from T.T.

    would cost him 100 bucks ..........

    unless of coarse he has a disclaimer on eBay stating the coin might be sold thru other means thereby being unavailable even to a buy-it-now bidder .....

    then you can throw in the fact that ebay pretty well lets sellers do whatever they damn well please with no accountability whatsoever......

    and you got the whole enchilada
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    mumumumu Posts: 1,840
    He apparently sells many places often and states this may happen in the auction. Someone got hit by winning and not recieving and left this feed back. His response calling him an idiot pretty much sums it all up. Id never buy from this guy.

    refused to honor auction Member idlibertarianropecutter

    Reply by ultracoin (Apr-15-10 21:16):
    items are subject to prior sale and may end up voided 350315376975 brain dead
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    PawPaulPawPaul Posts: 5,845
    yes , 'ole Ultra seems to be able to dish out the insults ............

    I choose not to do business with him
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    RWBRWB Posts: 8,082
    Another ruined coin....
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    That's AT for sure
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    ConnecticoinConnecticoin Posts: 12,775 ✭✭✭✭✭
    That coin is hideous.

    Only a moron would hit the $390 bin, and the seller probably has a delusion reserve on it on TT.
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    coinpicturescoinpictures Posts: 5,345 ✭✭✭
    $260 + juice with 15 minutes remaining... I wonder if it will really sell.

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