shameless plug- book on 16th-18th century coins in U.S soil

Back in late 2006 when this book came out, I did my obligatory shameless plug for it on the coin forums, but it just now dawned on me that this book pertains as much to the folks on this forum --maybe more so--as it does to the coin forum folks. Anyway, the book is, "Uncovered: The Lost Coins of Early America" and much of it deals with coins that have a strong connection to our nation's earliest settlements (Lost Colony, Spanish Florida, Jamestown, Williamsburg, French Louisiana, Spanish California, etc.). It even mentions a coin found by our forum's own illustrious LordMarcovan. Anyway, I have some books in supply--it's a 252 pager with not so great pictures, but some helpful information hopefully. And as a challenge, the book mentions a couple of coins that I believe are in the ground somewhere on the Atlantic coast, but have yet to come to light--maybe someone here will find one of these pieces! If anyone would like to purchase one, I would sell copies at $9 plus $5 shipping....OR....$14 postpaid!
Sounds like an interesting read.
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso