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On the easel...

Hey all,

I hope nobody minds, but I figured that I would start a thread for whatever's going on in my studio. Well, anything that I think is worthy of posting, that is. It's been a pretty long time since I've contributed anything on here (probably before the National last summer), so I thought I'd peak my head out and show my wares.

So, I figure that if everyone's cool with it, I can show some finished pieces here, as it's taking a while for me to get my website fully updated these days. Additionally, I can show some in-progress shots of other things if anyone wants to see them, be they commissions or for my own inventory. Just know that the quality of the photos I take myself aren't even close to that of the ones I have done professionally!

If you'd like to see more of my work, you can always check out my website: http://www.graigkreindler.com

And, if you're on Facebook, become a fan (that is, if you really are a fan)!!: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Graig-Kreindler/78640599933

Oh, and as always, critiques, comments and lewd gestures are always appreciated.

Thanks for reading!!


Babe Ruth, 1927, 9"x12"

Joe DiMaggio, 1933, 9"x12"

Lou Gehrig, 1936, 11"x14"

Babe Ruth, 1921, 26"x34"

Christy Mathewson, 1911, 26"x36"

Grover Cleveland Alexander, 1928, 9"x12"

Bill Mazeroski, 1960, 38"x60"

Joe Jackson, 1913, 34"x42"

Honus Wagner, 1909, 34"x68"

Honus Wagner T-206, 5.5"x10"


  • BunchOBullBunchOBull Posts: 6,188 ✭✭✭
    It's great to see your work again, thank you for sharing. Wish they made paint by number sets that looked so nice...that would be the only way I'd come close.
    Collector of most things Frank Thomas. www.BigHurtHOF.com
  • AhmanfanAhmanfan Posts: 4,398 ✭✭✭✭
  • zep33zep33 Posts: 6,897 ✭✭✭
    Those are absolutely incredible!!

    I wish I had some talent
  • VitoCo1972VitoCo1972 Posts: 6,132 ✭✭✭
  • divecchiadivecchia Posts: 6,688 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Wow, those are great...image

    I love the Mathewson the best...Donato
    Hobbyist & Collector (not an investor).
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  • zep33zep33 Posts: 6,897 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Wow, those are great...image

    I love the Mathewson the best...Donato >>

    me too, it looks so 3 dimensional, it's amazing
  • storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭

    Fabulous !

    Do you ever use any type of projector to get
    you started on the right track?

    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
  • Simply amazing work!
    Do you ever step into Vintage Football art?

  • Wow! Thanks for all of the wonderful comments, guys. I sincerely appreciate them!! And BunchOBull, I'm honored that you remembered me!

    Storm888 - Though I don't use projectors in the work, on the larger ones I usually do grid them out a bit. I should actually start using one - lord knows it would save some time!!

    bsidegrve - I haven't really ventured into the world of football art yet, but they're definitely plenty of images I'd like to tackle. Much to my father's chagrin, I'm sure I'll do some paintings of the famous '58 Championship game, especially Ameche's drive. I have, however, just finished my first golf painting. It depicts Bobby Jones at the Old Course at St. Andrews during the British Open of 1927. The painting will be shown at Pebble Beach next month if I'm not mistaken. With that in mind, I'm in no way adverse to doing any other sports, as there's always stuff out there that inspires me, but baseball is definitely the one that tugs on the ol' heart strings the most!!
  • hammeredhammered Posts: 2,671 ✭✭✭
    Wow, great stuff
    I love the one of Ruth choosing his weapon
  • SDSportsFanSDSportsFan Posts: 5,152 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I agree with everyone here.

    The texture on the Ruth portrait and three-dimensionality of the Matty are simply incredible!

  • You are quite talented! Thanks for sharing
    1911 C55 hockey
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    1966 Get Smart
  • Incredible.
    1930's-1950's Cleveland Indians Collector.
  • Wonderful...hard to choose a favorite. I like the dark moody colors on the Gehrig, the great attention to detail on Matty's uniform, the weary look as Babe gazes out from under his cap...

    But the one of Ruth selecting his weapon would get the nod. Love the way the bats seem three dimensional, and shading & coloring on his uniform and skin are outstanding. Love the way the shadows conform to the folds of his uniform as he bends down. I also like the sharp contrast of his bright white uniform against the darkness of the dugout.

    You are very talented, thanks so much for sharing!!
  • HoofHeartedHoofHearted Posts: 2,537 ✭✭
    Awesome paintings. I'd be proud to display any of them on my wall!
  • ddfamfddfamf Posts: 507 ✭✭
    Mazeroski and Wagner action prints are fabulous!

    You selling anything?....just curious

  • 1960toppsguy1960toppsguy Posts: 1,127 ✭✭
    I sure hope you don't need a day job with that kind of talent, those are awesome, they remind me of the Thomas Arvid wine collection paintings that sell for pretty pennies.
  • thenavarrothenavarro Posts: 7,497 ✭✭✭
    Great stuff!!

    Props to you,

    Buying US Presidential autographs
  • Thanks again for the compliments everyone - I'm really glad you guys dig the artwork! And the fact that the Matty seems to resonate so much has to be attributed to the photographer. He got everything right in his negative, so I feel like he did all the work!

    MantleMarisFordBerra - It's awesome that you like that Ruth so much. Trying to recreate that fabric undulating in space was certainly a challenge, and I'm glad that even though it's not super sunny, there is still that stark contrast with the bright jersey and the shadows of the dugout. In person, a lot of that stuff reads better, as the glow is tough to capture in reproductions.

    ddfamf - Thanks so much for the kind words. Currently, half of those paintings are already sold, with the DiMaggio portrait, Babe with bats, Wagner action shot and the Joe Jackson still available. The stuff on my website is all gone, and in regards to commissions, I think I'm about 2.5 years out right now. I just pray it continues.

    1960toppsguy - Thankfully, the painting is my day job (as well as night). Though it's definitely not easy and takes a super amount of discipline (and a sh*t ton of luck), I can't think of anything else I would rather be doing. Then again, I can't really think of anything else I CAN do!
  • MULLINS5MULLINS5 Posts: 4,517 ✭✭✭
    Great stuff!

    My personal favorites are the Christy Mathewson (love how his blue eyes juxtaposes his face and the rest of the image) and the 1909 Wagner.

    Thanks so much for sharing.
  • Thanks, MULLINS5!! Mathewson certainly had a great look to him, with the dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. Combine that with the Frank Merriwell virtues, it's no wonder so many kids idolized him!
  • GarabaldiGarabaldi Posts: 2,004 ✭✭✭
    Those painting look life-like, they are amazing.
  • bobbybakerivbobbybakeriv Posts: 2,186 ✭✭✭✭
    Those are fantastic. You have some great talent. Bobby
  • Thanks guys - I really appreciate it!

  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi Graig

    Superb work!

    Looks better every time I see it.
  • scotgrebscotgreb Posts: 809 ✭✭✭
    Love the Maz . . .

    Do you think that ball has a chance to get out image
  • Thanks, Stone193!!

    scotgreb - much to my father's chagrin, the ball goes over Yogi's head and out of the park every single time.

  • Im stunned, i want to reach out and shake christy matthewson's hand,, amazing work, you have every right to be proud of your skills, thanks for showing them leonardo,,, bj
  • Thanks, Bigjohn69!!
  • Hey all,

    Since today is the anniversary of something special, I figured I'd post a related work-in-progress. Here's an unfinished commission depicting Lou Gehrig on May 2, 1939 - the day he took himself out of the Yankee lineup in Detroit, ending his streak of 2,130 consecutive games played. Taking his place at first base that afternoon was 26-year old Ellsworth 'Babe' Dahlgren, who had a double and a home run (and narrowly missed two more) in a route of the Tigers, 22-2. Pictured behind Gehrig's shoulder is pitcher Lefty Gomez, as well as Manager McCarthy in the dugout with two sportswriters.



    This one's not terribly far from done, but the secondary figures need some work, as do some other spots. Gehrig though, is pretty much done. Also, please excuse the cruddy photography - I can never seem to get it right.

    Hope y'all dig it!

  • OAKESY25OAKESY25 Posts: 4,726 ✭✭✭
    are you doing giclee prints??
    I am sure you would do very well with those
  • Yankees001Yankees001 Posts: 1,496

    Those are amazing. Have you even done Yankee Stadium?

    I'm not sure which I like the best.

  • Thanks, guys!

    OAKSY25, currently I don't do giclees or lithos, as I very much like having just one original out there without prints. Most of the clients I deal with seem to be really into the idea that they have something that no one else ever will. At the same time, there are a ton of legal hurdles to jump through when making prints. Since the images become commercial the moment reproductions are made, MLB, MLBPA, player's estates and who-knows-who-else all come out of the wood-works demanding that they be paid (as well they should). I did do two lithographs about 5 years ago with Bill Goff and goodsportsart.com though, as he had the necessary licenses to sell such reproductions. But after everything was said and done with his company, I really got a bad taste in my mouth for doing prints.

    Yankees001, here are a few more older paintings depicting the grand Stadium:





    I have yet to tackle the renovated park, but I'm hoping to sometime in the near future. Hope you dig 'em!


  • akuracy503akuracy503 Posts: 1,923 ✭✭✭

    Would you mind sharing the price of the Wagner action shot from 1909?
    PM's are welcome.

    CU Ancient Members badge member.

    Collection: https://flickr.com/photos/185200668@N06/albums

  • absolutely blown away by some of the paintings. Per chance have you done a bob feller? I saw that you had something in the works on your website for the Bob Feller museum?

    I would wager that these are high 4 figures to 5 figure paintings.
  • Akuracy503, PM sent!

    ShawnyD, thanks so much for the kind words. I did indeed complete a Feller painting for his museum. We presented it to Bob at the National last year, and if I'm not mistaken, is now hanging in his building in Van Meter, Iowa. The fact that they were nice enough to commission me to do it was one thing, but the fact that I got to meet the man and the director of the museum was just beyond awesome! The painting depicts him throwing a pitch to Joe Kuhel in the eighth innings of his Opening Day no-hitter on April 16, 1940 in Chicago. Here's a scan:


    I am also in the process of completing another Feller painting, this one showing him walking off of the field after throwing a one-hitter against Boston on July 31, 1946. It's pretty darn close to done, and probably just needs about another solid days worth of work. I'd be happy to post progress shots of that too, if you're interested.

  • TNP777TNP777 Posts: 5,710 ✭✭✭

    << <i>...and probably just needs about another solid days worth of work. I'd be happy to post progress shots of that too, if you're interested.

    Graig >>

    absolutely! It'd be awesome to see the work as it progresses/completes.
  • stownstown Posts: 11,321 ✭✭✭
    So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
  • Here ya go!!!

    (And PLEASE excuse the awful photography. The colors are a bit out of whack, even after Photoshop adjustments.



    Anyways, this one's almost done. I have some work to finish in the stands, the scoreboard and in the shaded area of the grass. I think Feller might need to be a tad touched up as well. Either way, my main concern is that it gives the impression of a clear, hot summer day!!

    Thanks guys,

  • jlzinckjlzinck Posts: 907 ✭✭
    Gad I HATE people with talen like this, only because I can't do it!!

    VERY nice work.

    The Gehrig on the dugout steps is incredible!
  • CDsNutsCDsNuts Posts: 10,092
    Can you do a 1991 Donruss Wes Chamberlain for me? Thanks.

  • DavemriDavemri Posts: 2,011 ✭✭✭
    Awesome work.. Just curious, How long does one of these usually take?

    Thanks for sharing.


    FINISHED 12/8/2008!!!
  • Hey Davemri, the time it takes to complete one of these really varies. The smaller portraits usually only take about a week or so. The larger paintings, once they get more involved with multiple figures, stadium shots and tons of research, can take as long as two months. Actually, the research part is usually the most time consuming. It seems that I can spend days and days looking for a certain bit of information, whether it's a color or weather forecast, and the painting just stalls until I find what I need. The more I do though, the quicker I get with the research stuff,as I have more resources at my fingertips every time.
  • fandangofandango Posts: 2,622


    LIKE YOU CAN PINCH THEIR CHEEKS (if i was their grandmother)
  • DrBusterDrBuster Posts: 5,426 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Fellow artist props. Always like your stuff Graig. You do any shows?
  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭
    I saw him at the National last year.
  • Thanks DrBuster! For this year, I don't know if I'll be having any shows, as I've been completely swamped with commissions, so it's been really hard to build up a sizable inventory to do much. That's actually the same reason I won't get a booth at the National this year, as everything's sold!

    I however will be at the Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge, MA on July 3 for their annual celebration of the National Pastime. If you're interested, check out the website for more info:

  • leadoff4leadoff4 Posts: 2,392
    Magnificent work!!! I hadn't clicked on the thread yet because I assumed it was some useless thread. Boy was I wrong. I see that the dimensions are relatively large. What is the smallest painting you've done?
  • Thanks for the kind words leadoff4, as well as clicking on the link!

    The smallest work I've done is probably that T-206 Wagner painting, at 5.5"x10". I regularly do 9"x12"s and 11"x14"s though, mostly portraits and single player images, as I find that those fit best on such sizes.
  • Tedw9Tedw9 Posts: 1,424 ✭✭

    Once again, your artwork blows us away! Thanks for taking time away from your busy schedule to share your incredible talents with the rest of us mortals. It's my humble opinion that you are the best sports artist out there, by far.

    A couple of quick questions....has the Hall of Fame ever contacted you about a piece for the museum? I would think they would be beating your door down to have one or two hanging in the hallowed halls.

    And have you thought about doing a book of your paintings? I know I would love to be able to thumb through a nice hard cover book looking at your work. I think it would be a nice addition to any baseball library.
    Looking for Carl Willey items.
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