Home Metal Detecting

Found a few random "whats-it" lately - any help?

pcgs69pcgs69 Posts: 4,336 ✭✭✭✭
I haven't been able to get out too much lately, but have been finding several "what's it" pieces. Any ideas on age/description?

The first piece is what looks like a case that has this wording:

Hooper's CACHOU Aromatise London Bridge

2nd piece I originally thought it was an earring, but there's no place to put it in the ear, it looks like one solid piece. Nice decorative work and may be copper or brass.

3rd piece is a cuff link with the name KUNSTADTER. The oval part almost looks like it could be gold, but my guess is it's ultimately gold plated. Any ideas on age and if just the one oval piece could be gold? It was found in the same hole as the other round piece in the pic right next to it.

4th and 5th are buttons. The one with circles has a loop on the back, but the back is rusted out. The other one almost looks like it's a snap button, and has the letters "M" on top and "W" on bottom.

The other one only shown in the big pic is what looks like a jeans button that says "Carter's Watch the Wear"

Thanks in advance for your help! These were found in an area with coins ranging from the early 1900s to today.

(IHC is 1906 and Buffalo is 1914)


  • I'll give some of them a shot:

    Your fist pic is that of a Rouge Case from around 1890-1920 or so, the ladies liked those red cheeks.

    The second is a ring that has been smashed..I have found a lot of those., with a little care you can round it back out.

    The odd thing you thought was an earring, is the back of an earring, the clip on the ear lobe type, the decorative front part is missing.

    The next round circular thing with the swirl design, could be a button but I suspect it is an old wick turner from a lantern...Does the back have a missing center post?

  • I also agree that item #2 looks like a bend/squashed ring. Item #1, however, is a turn of the century breath mint case, Hooper's of London. There's a bit of a reference from 1867 on the net. Also, one of these sold on ebay on March 25. Ebay UK I think - I'll see it I can find it later.

    Nice finds all - great to see stuff like this.

    -Weinman Fan
  • Ahhhh.. I agree with your #1...image
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