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could use some guidance

While going through my father's old paperwork I found a 1971 program from the Hawaiian Open and Joe Louis signed the front cover. My mother told me that they attended the tournament and Joe Louis was nice enough to sit and have coffee with them and give them his autograph. I looked at his autograph online and the signature is authentic. I was thinking about having it authenticated and try to sell it since my mother could really use the money. What is the best way for me to go about doing this? The program is missing some pages and there is a coffee stain on the cover from where Mr. Louis had inadvertently set his coffee mug while he signed the program. Do you think this would be something a collector would be interested in? Any help would surely be appreciated.image


  • PipestonePetePipestonePete Posts: 1,945 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Have you tried checking past and current sales on Ebay? You might get an idea of value there.
  • Hi there,

    I would not suggest eBay for values - I regularly purchase a well known and valuabale autograph on eBay for 15-20 bucks and they are worth $150 or more. I see forgeries of forgeries "with papers" from this or that place selling more now as the demand far outweighs the existing authentic material from this deceased TV comedian. I see stuff sell regulary for way over its actual value and it not even real. Try looking up some autograph dealer auction where the prices brought will reflect more reality. Don't be guided by some big dealer in the midwest - historical stuff sold directly - the prices there are insane. Items worth $19 for $899. Value with be determined by the instrument used to sign, the condition (paramount - sounds less than ideal in this case) and when/where it was signed. In this case earlier would be better - career related signed photograph/program would be best. It wil have some interest to someone, but unless something about 1971 is special - that time in Louis' - it may not be strong interest considering...condition, what/when etc. Good luck! image

    Best wishes,

    Edited for spelling.
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