How to tone a coin

Hi all,
I have this relatively hard to find Taler which I purchased raw. It has quite nice details yet had been cleaned. How would I tone it naturally? I currently have it in an envelope.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
I have this relatively hard to find Taler which I purchased raw. It has quite nice details yet had been cleaned. How would I tone it naturally? I currently have it in an envelope.
Any assistance would be appreciated.

A different question is this: "Is it still natural toning if you expose it to an environment to accelerate the natural progression?"
Tone the coin you have to expose it to and environment containing sulfur. Old yellow coin envelopes contained trace amounts of it, so placing a coin in one will give you toning in a couple of years. A few years back on the US forums one of the members used a yellow Taco Bell napkin (which apparently also contains sulfur) to get the desired toning in 6-8 months.
I have a box of yellow coin envelopes where I keep the blast white "less-than-undesirables". In the last 3 years a few exhibited some toning.
This 1842 was heavily dipped when I bought it in 2006. It took 4 years in an old yellow envelope to look this way:
8 Reales Madness Collection
Anywhere specific the envelope should be kept?
Let us know how your experiment turns out there Zohar.
Old coin albums as well...
is that you end up being governed by inferiors. – Plato
I no longer have the coins to take pictures, since I gave them to a forum member to pass out to his Young Notables class shortly after I discovered them again.
in a cigar box (will smell, and is one way of checking for AT)
buy one of the Royal Canadian Mint silver dollar boxes (like the 1971 RCMP silver dollar type of box) and store the coin in there