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Mo Vaughn auto, Manning/James game used, Richardson rookie for trade...

Mo Vaughn autographed card
Peyton Manning/Edgerrin James game used card
Jason Richardson rookie card

for trade

LMK if any interested in the above items.

60+ sucessful trades on here.


  • cardnyoucardnyou Posts: 7,339 ✭✭✭
    hey man.....what ya want for the manning/james ? lmk,thanks man

    Tha Finger ... Tha Stunner ... Tha Legend.
  • Its a 2001 UD MVP Game Soveniers ball(on the ball it has a hole where the lace goes) of Manning/James bv is $100..

    List ur game used basketball.

    60+ sucessful trades on here.
  • hey- i like ur manning/james but im not sure where u got the bv- the bv in hte newest beckett is 40 , not 100

    looking for good football gu and autos- especially rams- thanks
  • what brand is the richardson rc


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    REFS Johnscottanthony,injun01, haliguy, FatKat, autobilia,awaltz,coachvinny, raf12,thematrix31,duncangal, Kenny21, and many more
  • Brees9 - As previously explained to you, the book on the Manning/James is 2x the book value because of the hole where lace would go on the football. I have asked over ten dealers and they all agreed it should be two times the amount(some said three) because of its rareness. I would let it go at $80 in book value lowest. So if you want it let me know.

    DonnieBaseball - it is a 01-02 Fleer Platinum RC..books $15

    60+ sucessful trades on here.
  • ttt
    60+ sucessful trades on here.
  • I need the Vaughn if you still have it.
  • Traded it a long long time ago, sry man.
    60+ sucessful trades on here.
  • How much do'es the Edmonds Auto on your site book?
    Looking for 87 Fleer Glossy Bonds and 86 Topps Traded Tiffany Bonds
    Ref's available
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