in Stamps Forum
"We have long encouraged collectors and dealers to get many of those less expensive stamps certified for authenticity and condition. But when the Scott Catalogue values a stamp or cover for $200 or less, you may think twice about spending $25 for an APEX certificate. So, effective March 1, 2010, we have adjusted our minimum fee down from our current $25 to $20 for APS members to help take the bite out of expertizing costs. Below is a complete schedule of fees (yes, “levels above the $500 CV” have increased, we admit).
Scott Catalogue value APS Members Non-APS Members
$200 or less $20 $40
$201–$500 $25 $45
$501–$1,000 $30 $50
$1,001 or more 3% of Scott value 5% of Scott value
Not catalogued/Unpriced $30 minimum $50 minimum
Maximum fee: $400 $800
Remember that the fee is based on current Scott Catalogue values, regardless of condition (market value or price paid). For items with a catalogue value of $1,001 or more, the fee did increase from 2% to 3%, but it is still much less that the 4.5%–5% fees charged by other expertizing services.
The names of our examiners do not appear on the final APEX certificate, but their names and notes do become a permanent part of the expertizing records and are available to researchers who visit headquarters. I don’t hesitate to provide their names when requested. With more than 120 specialist collectors and dealers currently serving, the APEX committee represents the largest pool of philatelic expertise in the Western Hemisphere. A complete list of APEX examiners is available to APS/ASDA/NSDA members (a self-addressed #10 SASE is appreciated)."
Scott Catalogue value APS Members Non-APS Members
$200 or less $20 $40
$201–$500 $25 $45
$501–$1,000 $30 $50
$1,001 or more 3% of Scott value 5% of Scott value
Not catalogued/Unpriced $30 minimum $50 minimum
Maximum fee: $400 $800
Remember that the fee is based on current Scott Catalogue values, regardless of condition (market value or price paid). For items with a catalogue value of $1,001 or more, the fee did increase from 2% to 3%, but it is still much less that the 4.5%–5% fees charged by other expertizing services.
The names of our examiners do not appear on the final APEX certificate, but their names and notes do become a permanent part of the expertizing records and are available to researchers who visit headquarters. I don’t hesitate to provide their names when requested. With more than 120 specialist collectors and dealers currently serving, the APEX committee represents the largest pool of philatelic expertise in the Western Hemisphere. A complete list of APEX examiners is available to APS/ASDA/NSDA members (a self-addressed #10 SASE is appreciated)."