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New sports terms I've coined completely by myself

EstilEstil Posts: 7,116 ✭✭✭✭
So far, I've never heard these terms used anywhere else. Would be nice if one (especially the first one) did catch on. image

Hall of Fame-Elect: Someone who has been elected to that sport's HOF, but has not yet been formally inducted. Similar to how someone who is elected President is called the President-elect until he actually takes office.
One year wonder: Exceptional college basketball freshman who leaves for the NBA (or is very likely to) right afterwards.
Anna Kournikova team: Sports team that plays in a beautiful ballpark/stadium (bonus points if they also have nice looking uniforms), but rarely wins. Examples in MLB would be Pittsburgh, Washington, Kansas City, Baltimore.
D's: 50P,49S,45D+S,43D,41S,40D,39D+S,38D+S,37D+S,36S,35D+S,all 16-34's
Q's: 52S,47S,46S,40S,39S,38S,37D+S,36D+S,35D,34D,32D+S
74T: 241,435,610,654 97 Finest silver: 115,135,139,145,310
95 Ultra GM Sets: Golden Prospects,HR Kings,On-Base Leaders,Power Plus,RBI Kings,Rising Stars


  • Cubdurance - The ability to cheer for a losing team season after season.

    Incarcerated Reserve - Ineligible to play based on involvement with the criminal justice system.

    Farveriactrics - Sports medicine for senior citizens.

    Bosworth Effect - Unexplained phenomena that causes athletes to think athletic ability is the same as acting ability.

    Buckner - Any ground ball that goes through a fielders legs. i.e. "He was able to make it to second on the buckner."

  • BrickBrick Posts: 4,999 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think I comprestand what you are saying.
    Collecting 1960 Topps Baseball in PSA 8


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