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If you could ask those people who run Shop At Home a question......

What would it be?

Mine: How do you live with yourselves you bleeping blankity blankity blankity blankity blank blank blank blank blank blank blank blanks?


  • how do they make their crap cards sound good????????
    Doplo,PSAsports,Derrick, Reddard,JRCCRUM,

    Focus Sports
  • If you were a viewer, would you buy those awful products?
    My Cards

    CU References: 65 and counting

  • Q: Don West, How do you sleep at night ?

    A: On a huge pile of money with Ken Golden right next to me.

  • I got some more:

    When the machines make the card grading plastic slabs, do you print the Gem Mint 10 labels with them, ya know before you even see the card? Grabs Shop At Home representative, starts beating them, admit it admit it you b@$tard!

    What do you do with all the money you con from people?

    When Don West asks Ken Golden how he was last night: YOU WERE GEM MINT 10 BABY!
  • I used to work there, LOL..............

  • NO WAY?!
    Got any good inside dirt?
  • what do you want to know?

  • was there ever a good card to go out in the blue chips ?
    Did you grade cards for them ? lol
  • probably not
    no i didnt, lol, but i could have eaisly givin a bunch of 10s out............

  • PROMETHIUS88PROMETHIUS88 Posts: 2,890 ✭✭✭✭✭
    bige....is it true the silvertowne out of winchester, indiana now owns shop at home??? just curious...and that's the rumor i have heard floating around. and, if not silvertowne, then leon hendrickson??? just wondering!! tim
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