Home Buy, Sell & Trade - Cards & Memorabilia

peja sp authentic rc kobe finest refractor rc kobe chrome rc for sale may trade but it willl be hard

i have these for sale still
peja sp authentic rc bv $100
kobe finest refractor rc bv $400
Kobe bryant chrome bv $400
paul pierce sp authentic rc bv $150 will take a good offer to get
Paul pierce lucky 13 rc bv $100 will take $60 to get
also have a lot more good rcs but these are the main ones please email me with offers
i am collecting 8x10 autos, auto replica jerseys and other auot memrobilia, i have a few cards left im trying to sell cheap please email me for the list theres only about 8 to 10 left. thanks
kenny21 sporto bballrob88 lilsun1 vincesanity lee gaines sporto1688 gabe3249 (biechner) plante23 vittleboy bargasv msb416 dksportz8
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