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Do you beleive?

Do you beleive in God, or afterl-life or even fate or destiny? I personally do beleive in all of the above, one of my friends and I had a debate today about it all. I personally think many different things.
One being earth is hell and you have to prove yourself worthy to get out of it.
Two when you die you either get reborn or sent to heaven and get judged.
Now my friend says that he thinks when you die it's like a sleep when your asleep you don't remember a thing, and you just won't wake up. But then I say technically when you think of it, if your dead you can't think, all as you know it is gone, and you don't even remember. Or my other theory is that maybe you do go into a deep sleep and if you lived a good life you are forever in a good dream. Or it could even be like the movie 'Ghost' and spirts be all around us, just none can touch us. But it makes me wonder, since I've been going to church more, that (what I learned/beleive, no offense) that Jesus had followers and some beleived in him, and most did not. Well he knew what was going to happen (roman's crucfiy him) but he still allowed it, because he did it for the people to forgive them of all there sins he scarficed himself. Then to prove he was real... few days later(easter) he arose from the dead and came back. Now fact or fiction? Another good point going either way.. my friend says we don't know for sure if that was real someone could have just made up, but then makes you think.. then if we can't beleive in the bible, why should we beleive documents from years ago, if no one around with video camera or to tell story we cannot beleive. {ex: titantic(even though not true story; good example)} Then he says well humans just evolved from organisms.. but then makes you think.. where did organisms come from? How did it all begin? Then another idea I think.. is faith/destiny real? I personally think that we are sorf of pawns in a game, but have more freedom, every move is planned out, but we choose which move to take, and for that there is a counter-action. Why do humans only use so much of there brain? (not 100% or even 20%) Because maybe over time.. if this evolution theory is correct.. maybe over time we grow smarter and soon in time we will be supernatural. In other words, what is techinally the point of life.. if all of this is planned out?(the movie matrix makes you wonder) ? Also.. how come the universe is soo big, but we have explored so very very little of it? Maybe there is other universes out there like ours or more high tech or not as inteligente as us? Or maybe.. it could be like the 'time machine' or 'plant of the apes' and really there is other time periods still alive out there but just different. Will we ever figure this out? This really makes you wonder, because any answer is based on a theory, which would not be proven in our life-time. Why is life.. so short? I'm Catholic and I beleive in the after-life spending with God and deceased loved ones. But I suppose the only real answer is.. to wait and find out, what the real answer is. I also heard from a friend that when her neice died(little girl) that parents/her heard her in bedroom 'dreaming' saying.. everyone's names and that I will play with you when you it is time for you to come, and she never woke up? I suppose life is a great mystery and we are supposed to slowly solve. Then again.. if you say we have machines.. etc.. to prove historical documents how can we be certain that they are completely correct? We don't know. Is life a cycle.. that every so many million years everything get's destoryed and slowly re-built by orgainisms? This is a debate that could go on forever, but I'm just curious what you think of your life/faith/religion/destiny?
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  • cardnyoucardnyou Posts: 7,339 ✭✭✭
    lol...alot things to think eh jason

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  • aharesahares Posts: 2,138 ✭✭
    Are you alright Jason??? lol
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  • Jason:

    I know what your thinking bro. And if anyone says otherwise your lying to yourself. EVERYONE at one point or another questioned death, life, what the heck are we doing here etc... This is the best topic to talk about, But it really does get you nowhere.

    When we die? nobody knows...Personally I think we go into some stargate type ish.....
    I think egyptians were crazy azz people...How do you build pyramids in exactly in the center or the earth???

    I think aliens are a mere reflection of ourselves in the future. We are getting so lazy as a race it's not even funny. That's all i'm really going to say.
    I don't wanna go off..... it's a touchy subject that leads to white hairs. see ya
  • lol, true.. I'm not saying that I like wanna find out right now.. what happens after-death.. image (still so much to do) But I also agree, that is another mystery how did the egypitans build such gigantic stuff? Quite a mystery. But then again life may be answered or it could be ment as a mystery for everyone to find out there own destiny. Another good point.. 'gut instict', 'deja voo'? What do these mean? Lately I have been getting deja voo, thinking this is soo weird, what if I dreamt or was destined to be here, and I somewhat already knew about it? Also my gut instict latley has been when you look at a simple think like a choice on a paper you have no clue about, you somewhat feel the future what is going to happen. Ex.. (lately when I betting, and looking at teams, your not quite sure which to choose, but you look at one name more deeper, but the question is what will be the result what you wanted or not? (No one think I'm going crazy I hope lol) :-D
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    Jasons Players
  • i have been wondering that for a while..

    personally, i'm not sure if i believe in God or not... i used to when i was really young, but then all of a sudden i didn't and now i think i might. i dunno.. i never went to church tho.. (well once or twice maybe)

    how did the universe start? who knows.. personally, i think it was like gasses in the atmosphere that colided and than there's that whole big bang theory. lol. but the again, where did the gasses come from??

    i think these quesitons are A LOT like "What came first? The chicken or the egg?" it's a continous circle

    p.s. - i believe they have videos of titanic image they had cameras back then, and i know they have videos of people BOARDING it (ive seen them i think) but dunno about it sinking... or them saving someone..
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  • Yeah , I'm Hearing you Jason......

    Me and my Bro have diff. veiws on this, Weird because we never really attended church over 10 times. Yet, I Know their is a God not just beilive in him like you would a Santa. I don't know the bible like the back of my hand but i have picked it up before, Whats in there will get your mind buggin' But what i say is that trust in God then you will be rewarded after life on earth. My bro says to me we came from a pool of tadpoles or somthing the Big Bang theory I say neha-Smiha Cause like other people that have posted where did the tadploes come from, what made the tadpoles, what made the stuff that made the tadploes and what made the stuff that made the stuff to make the tadpoles lol.

    And what Guru Said about the Piramids in the center on the earth , Who do yoy figure that The world is round.....What is considered the middle? According to the bible the garden of eden Was next to Eithiopia, Africa .... image I could go on for days .....


  • big bang theory is retarded in my eyes. why? hell if I know, But heres a example.

    You blow up a empty warehouse" How does a watch appear?
    The world is too perfect to be a mistake.

    Take a moment to look at everything around you. It's made by something... Why wouldn't the world be?

    what's something thats there ~yet we can't see? oxygen, love, or god?

    How can we remember love, But not remember the feeling of actual pain? Can you imagine if you could actual feel those papercuts over and over without it happening?

    scientists hate that question the chicken or the egg ?"ilya"...just like they hate this statement.....If we evoled from monkeys ~why are monkeys still here?

    There's alot of crap we wish we knew, But the fact is we don't know jack shyt when it comes down to it.
  • wolfbearwolfbear Posts: 2,759 ✭✭✭
    You folks are like my dogs. Trying to figure things out that are way beyond your brain power.

    If there is a God, he probably has more important things to worry about than whether or not someone kissed his ass while they lived on Earth.
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  • Jason,

    Your first couple lines answered all of your questions, Believe, either you do or you don't, nothing else needs be addressed.

  • << <i>lol, true.. I'm not saying that I like wanna find out right now.. what happens after-death.. image (still so much to do)
    -Jason >>

    Umm, life is too short to worry about that. Just plan to make sure everything will be paid for and live life to the fullest. Why worry about it while you are living and experience it when you are dead? Life will just past you by.
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