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Hobo nickel classic or modern?

How do you tell if a hobo nickel is one of the modern carved $20 varieties or one of the vintage $300-$900 varities?


My wife just had to have this one; I hope I did not get burned too bad: paid $300.

Thanks for any info,

Jim O'C.


  • STONESTONE Posts: 15,275
    Looks more classic than modern, but I'm not an expert on the series.
  • commoncents05commoncents05 Posts: 10,084 ✭✭✭
    This is a classic, if it helps at all. I have better photos of it somewhere, but I can't find them.


    Many Quality coins for sale at http://www.CommonCentsRareCoins.com
  • habaracahabaraca Posts: 1,989 ✭✭✭✭✭
    check the engraving or tooling marks.

    if they look like done with modern engraving tools vs knife or punch etc.

    I have one that looks old but the tooling and background was done with a 3 pointed
    engraving tool so I was told by the Hobo guys it is not an original, could be old but not
    one done by a Hobo

  • DuPapaDuPapa Posts: 495 ✭✭

    I'd love to have any one of these.

    I have one that looks old but the tooling and background was done with a 3 pointed
    engraving tool so I was told by the Hobo guys it is not an original,

    I really like toilet humor...
  • ctf_error_coinsctf_error_coins Posts: 15,433 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Some of the modern ones are worth way more than the older ones if done by a professional carver like Bill Zach.

    Bill Zach Hobo Carvings
  • savoyspecialsavoyspecial Posts: 7,271 ✭✭✭✭
    >>Some of the modern ones are worth way more than the older ones if done by a professional carver like Bill Zach>>

    I am happy to have 'zach283b' in my collection



  • ctf_error_coinsctf_error_coins Posts: 15,433 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>>>Some of the modern ones are worth way more than the older ones if done by a professional carver like Bill Zach>>

    I am happy to have 'zach283b' in my collection

    LINK >>

    Wow that is a very nice one.

    He carved one of a lion for my daughter, he is the BEST!!!!
  • Wow, Greg. That's awesome!
  • tightbudgettightbudget Posts: 7,299 ✭✭✭
    I'll say yours is a classic, but I'm no expert. The reason why I believe so is that the modern ones I see are generally done on lower grade coins, while yours appears to have been done on one in roughly XF.

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