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Can you believe how young these athletes were?

As I get older (I am 51) I look back at some of the athletes/sports executives who have died at a young age. When some of them died (and I was a lot younger) I didn't think of them as young ... I sure as hell do now!

Bart Giamatti 4/4/1938 ....... 9/1/1989 (51)

Billy Martin 5/16/1928 ...... 12/25/1989 (61)

Don Drysdale 7/23/1936 ...... 7/3/1993 (56)

Jim 'Catfish' Hunter 4/8/1946.....9/9/1999 (53)

Kirby Puckett 3/14/1960 ........3/6/2006 (45)

Ken Caminiti 4/21/1963 ......10/10/2004 (41)

Curt Flood 1/18/1938.........1/20/1997 (59)

Darryl Kile 12/2/1968 ......6/22/2002 (33)

Roger Maris 9/10/1934 ......12/14/1985 (51)

Tug McGraw 8/30/1944 ...... 1/5/2004 (59)

Joe Niekro 11/7/1944 ......10/27/2006 (61)

Wilt Chamberlain 8/21/1936 ...... 10/12/1999 (63)

Pete Maravich 6/22/1947........1/5/1988 (40)

Rocky Marciano 9/1/1923........ 8/31/1969 (45)

Sonny Liston 5/8/1932 ......12/30/1970 (38)

Lyle Alzado 4/3/1949 ........ 5/14/1992 (43)

Walter Payton 7/25/1954 ......11/1/1999 (45)

Reggie White 12/19/1961......12/26/2004 (43)

Payne Stewart 1/30/1957........10/25/1999 (42)

Arthur Ashe 7/10/1943........02/6/1993 (49)

Florence Griffith-Joyner 12/21/1959......9/21/1998 (38)

Jesse Owens 9/12/1913 ......3/31/1980 (66)

Andre the Giant 5/19/1946 .......1/27/1993 (46)

Earl Anthony 4/27/1938........8/14/2001 (63)

Thurman Lee Munson (June 7, 1947 – August 2, 1979) (32)

Roberto Clemente Walker (August 18, 1934 – December 31, 1972) (38)


Harry Agganis 26 April 20, 1929 June 27, 1955 Died of a pulmonary embolism ten days after suffering from Pneumonia.

Walt Bond 29 October 19, 1937 September 14, 1967 Died of leukemia

Tiny Bonham 36 August 16, 1913 September 15, 1949 Died 18 days after his last start on August 28th after an appendectormy and stomach surgery.

Lyman Bostock 27 November 22, 1950 September 23, 1978 Was killed while in the backseat of a car after the estranged husband of the woman he was with shot him. Bostock had just met the woman.

Hal Carlson 38 May 17, 1892 May 28, 1930 Died in his hotal room of an internal hemorrhage.

Ray Chapman 29 January 15, 1891 August 17, 1920 Hit in the head by a pitch thrown by Carl Mays during a game.

Roberto Clemente 38 August 18, 1934 December 31, 1972 Plane Crash while delivering relief supplies to Nicaragua

Tim Crews 31 April 3, 1961 March 22, 1993 Boating accident during spring training on an off-day along with Steve Olin

Mike Darr 25 March 21, 1976 February 15, 2002 Car crash while driving to spring training

Jake Daubert 40 April 7, 1884 October 9, 1924 Died after complications during an appendectormy after the 1924 season

Ed Delahanty 35 October 30, 1867 July 2, 1903 Was swept over Niagara Falls after being kicked off a train. He crossed the International bridge near Niagara Falls and then fell or jumped off the bridge.

Joe DeSa 27 July 27, 1959 December 20, 1986 Automotible accident in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Neal Finn 29 January 24, 1904 July 7, 1933 Died during the season after surgery to repair an ulcer.

Danny Frisella 30 March 4, 1946 January 1, 1977 Dune Buggy accident

Tom Gastall 24 June 13, 1932 September 20, 1956 Was piloting a plane that crashed into Chesapeake Bay.

Marv Goodwin 34 January 16, 1891 October 21, 1925 Crashed his plane in a training exercise with the Army air force reserves

Clyde Hatter 29 August 7, 1908 October 16, 1937 Reported to have had a heart attack

Willard Hershberger 30 May 28, 1910 August 3, 1940 Committed suicide during the 1940 season.

Herman Hill 25 October 12, 1945 December 14, 1970 Drowned during the 1970 off-season in Venezuela

Ken Hubbs 22 December 23, 1941 February 15, 1964 Plane crash

Joe Kennedy 28 May 24, 1979 November 27, 2007 Died of hypertensive heart disease in the middle of the night during the 2007 off-season

Darryl Kile 33 December 2, 1968 June 22, 2002 Died of a heart attack in a Chicago hotel room during a road series against the Cubs.

Len Koenecke 31 January 18, 1904 September 17, 1935 Was hit over the head and killed with a fire extinguisher during a fight on a plane he chartered.

Frank Leary 26 February 26, 1881 October 4, 1907 ?

Joe Leonard 25 November 15, 1894 May 1, 1920 Died of a ruptured appendix during the 1920 season

Walt Lerian 26 February 10, 1903 October 22, 1929 Hit by a runaway truck on the streets of Baltimore after the 1929 season.

Cory Lidle 34 March 22, 1972 October 11, 2006 Crashed his plane into a New York residential building with a flight instructor at the end of the 2006 season.

Austin McHenry 27 September 22, 1895 November 27, 1922 Died of a brain tumor

Mike Miley 23 March 30, 1953 January 6, 1977 Automobile Accident

Bob Moose 29 October 9, 1947 October 9, 1976 Killed in a car accident in Ohio on his 29th birthday after the season.

Thurman Munson 32 June 7, 1947 August 2, 1979 Died in a plane crash while he was practicing takeoffs and landings.

Steve Olin 27 October 4, 1965 March 22, 1993 Boating accident during spring training on an off-day along with Tim Crews

Charlie Peete 27 February 22, 1929 November 27, 1956 Plane crash during off-season en route to playing winter league baseball.

Doc Powers 38 September 22, 1870 April 26, 1909 Crashed into a wall while chasing a foul ball and later died of complications from suergeries, two weeks later becoming the first MLB to suffer a fatal on-field injury.

Jimmy Sebring 27 March 22, 1882 December 22, 1909 Died of brighs disease after the 1909 season

Mike Sharperson 34 October 4, 1961 May 26, 1996 Car accident while playing for Las Vegas of the International League.

Dernell Stenson 25 June 17, 1978 November 5, 2003 Was murdered while playing in the Arizona Fall League in Chandler, Arizona.

Danny Thompson 29 February 1, 1947 December 10, 1976 Died of leukemia after the 1976 season

Dick Wantz 25 April 11, 1940 May 13, 1965 Died of an inoperable brain tumor during the 1965 season

Cliff Young 29 August 2, 1964 November 4, 1993 Truck crash in Texas


Died at the age of 25.

PELLE LINDBERGH (NHL, Philadelphia Flyers)
Died at the age of 26.

LUC BOURDON (NHL, Vancouver Canucks)
Died at the age of 21.

HANK GATHERS (NCAA basketball, Loyola Marymount)
Died at the age of 23.

REGGIE LEWIS (NBA, Boston Celtics)
Died at the age of 27.

LEN BIAS (NCAA basketball, University of Maryland)
Died at the age of 22.

KOREY STRINGER (NFL, Minnesota Vikings)
Died at the age of 27.

STEVE BECHLER (MLB, Baltimore Orioles)
Died at the age of 23.

PAT TILLMAN (NFL, Arizona Cardinals)
Died at the age of 27.

SEAN TAYLOR (NFL, Washington Redskins)
Died at the age of 24.

Died at the age of 24.



Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.


  • dontippetdontippet Posts: 2,609 ✭✭✭✭
    Wow, sure does put things into perspective. Sports cards don't seem that important after reading your post.
    > [Click on this link to see my ebay listings.](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=&_in_kw=1&_ex_kw=&_sacat=0&_udlo=&_udhi=&_ftrt=901&_ftrv=1&_sabdlo=&_sabdhi=&_samilow=&_samihi=&_sadis=15&_stpos=61611&_sargn=-1&saslc=1&_salic=1&_fss=1&_fsradio=&LH_SpecificSeller=1&_saslop=1&_sasl=mygirlsthree3&_sop=12&_dmd=1&_ipg=50&_fosrp=1)

    Successful transactions on the BST boards with rtimmer, coincoins, gerard, tincup, tjm965, MMR, mission16, dirtygoldman, AUandAG, deadmunny, thedutymon, leadoff4, Kid4HOF03, BRI2327, colebear, mcholke, rpcolettrane, rockdjrw, publius, quik, kalinefan, Allen, JackWESQ, CON40, Griffeyfan2430, blue227, Tiggs2012, ndleo, CDsNuts, ve3rules, doh, MurphDawg, tennessebanker, and gene1978.
  • In a weird sort of way Doug, I find that a very interesting read. I just turned 47, so I hear ya.
  • jamesryanbelljamesryanbell Posts: 1,108 ✭✭✭
    Wow what an interesting read. Makes you kind of mentally "re-group" a little bit.
    -- Ryan Bell
  • VitoCo1972VitoCo1972 Posts: 6,132 ✭✭✭
    DEEEEE-pressing. Thanks a lot Doug! image
  • zep33zep33 Posts: 6,897 ✭✭✭
    My mom died at the age of 44 in 1982. At the time I knew it was too young to die but really had no perspective of it. Over the last few years as I've been inching closer to her age (I'll be 43 later this month), I've given a lot of thought to how young she really was.

    It's a very strange feeling to think that she only lived as long as I've now been alive
  • KK Posts: 1,364 ✭✭✭
    Tony Conigliaro Age: 45 January 7, 1945 - February 24, 1990

    On January 3, 1982 Conigliaro, in Boston to interview for a broadcasting position, suffered a heart attack while being driven to the airport by his brother Billy. Shortly thereafter, he suffered a stroke and lapsed into a coma. Conigliaro remained in basically a vegetative state until his death more than 8 years later. So he basically died at the age of 37!!! What a shame image
  • VikingDudeVikingDude Posts: 1,390 ✭✭✭


    There is a reason one of the hospitals in Fargo, ND has an oncology area called the Roger Maris Cancer Center.
  • frankhardyfrankhardy Posts: 8,143 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Lou Gehrig died at the age of 37, which is only 3 years older than I am.

    That is pretty freaky that Thurman Munson died at only 32.


  • there are a lot of folks on that list that died as a result of drugs/steroid abuse. (the more recent folks obviously) wasted lives.
  • goes to show you, the life of an athlete is not easy...

    drinking, traveling, lack of sleep.....it all adds up
  • snorting coke, cheating on your wife..yup it all adds up.
  • gumbyfangumbyfan Posts: 5,168 ✭✭✭
    Sticking a needle in your butt, lying about your age to get extra $ on your contracts...the guilt alone adds YEARS to their lives.
  • You can add TIM HORTON - NHL star to that list. Died in an automobile accident while driving home to Canada from Buffalo. (Toronto Maple Leafs / Buffalo Sabres)
  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭
    What about Nicholas James Adenhart? (August 24, 1986 – April 9, 2009) he was 22...
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    Never mind see him listed with Tim Crews....

    Good for you.
  • Nathaniel1960Nathaniel1960 Posts: 2,325 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The most shocking in my lifetime was Pete Maravich.
    Kiss me once, shame on you.
    Kiss me twice.....let's party.
  • jimq112jimq112 Posts: 3,511 ✭✭✭
    I remember back in the early/mid 70s there was a kid in the Pirates minor league system, probably salem, I think his name was alfredo estrada. He was in a collision with another outfielder (omar moreno) and hit his head on moreno's knee. IIRC he died later that day and was 20 years old.

    I remember playing my little league game the day I read that and thinking how terrible it was to die playing baseball.

    Pirate Don Hoak died at 41 chasing a thief who stole his brother's car. He had found out hours before that he had been passed over for manager and the Bucs chose Danny Murtaugh instead.

    The Steelers have had their share of early deaths also.

    Edited to correct the name to alfredo edmead, and to say that he did not hit omar moreno. He was 18. The accident happened in 1974 and was the salem pirates so at least I had that part right. The baseball reference says he hit Pedro Cruz. Anyway he died later that day.

  • sportscardtheorysportscardtheory Posts: 1,786 ✭✭✭
    A few omissions (some have been mentioned)

    Lou Gehrig
    Bill Barilko
    Nick Adenhart
    Brian Cole
  • fkwfkw Posts: 1,766 ✭✭
    4 HOFers

    Addie Joss

    Ross Youngs

    and the King of all early deaths....
    Ed Delahanty

    & My favorite Nut....
    Rube Waddell
  • DboneesqDboneesq Posts: 18,219 ✭✭

    << <i>and the King of all early deaths....
    Ed Delahanty >>

    This is an excerpt from the article:
    Men who met Ed Delahanty had to admit he was a handsome fellow, although there was an air about him that indicated he was a roughneck at heart and no man to temper with. He had that wide-eyed, half-smiling, ready-for-anything look that is characteristic of a certain type of Irishman.

    Imagine what would happen to this writer TODAY if those 2 broadcasters got suspended for just talking about the first Iranian NBA player?


    Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
  • Charlie Peete and Lyman Bostock were really stars in the making. Peete came off of a .350 year at AAA and Bostock's career was well chronicled. His father was a famous Negro League player and Peete played in the Negro Leagues as well.
  • I remember Lyman Bostock's death as a kid. I always had a thing for .300 hitters.

    And I was about 5 miles away from Billy Martin's crash site the night he died. Hard to believe that will be 20 years in a couple of weeks.
  • Here is a story from Baseball Reference on that Pirates outfielder who was killed in an on-field collision in the 1970's. Note that Omar Moreno was not involved; and IIRC; that is correct.

    Plano, Tx. Card Show #5, Sunday March 6, 2016 at Adat Chaverim (Northeast Corner Independence and Spring Creek) in Plano Tx 9Am to 4 PM. See you there!
  • fkwfkw Posts: 1,766 ✭✭
    Really on field??? Never heard of that one (link please image ). I thought Ray Chapman was the only player killed from Major League game play.
  • DboneesqDboneesq Posts: 18,219 ✭✭
    Man, what a way to go!


    Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
  • jimq112jimq112 Posts: 3,511 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Here is a story from Baseball Reference on that Pirates outfielder who was killed in an on-field collision in the 1970's. Note that Omar Moreno was not involved; and IIRC; that is correct.

    Rich >>

    uggh. Bad memory, when you get older stuff gets fuzzy.
  • Nathaniel1960Nathaniel1960 Posts: 2,325 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Charlie Peete and Lyman Bostock were really stars in the making. Peete came off of a .350 year at AAA and Bostock's career was well chronicled. His father was a famous Negro League player and Peete played in the Negro Leagues as well. >>

    Harry Agganis too. I'm still looking for his 55 Topps Auto.
    Kiss me once, shame on you.
    Kiss me twice.....let's party.
  • DboneesqDboneesq Posts: 18,219 ✭✭
    Thought this was interesting. Bumping a very old thread.


    Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
  • FirstBeardFirstBeard Posts: 473 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Thought this was interesting. Bumping a very old thread. >>

    I missed this first time around.

    Oscar Taveras can now be added. I skimmed the active ages quickly - looks like he is tied with Hubbs and Bias for the youngest at 22. So sad.
  • miwlvrnmiwlvrn Posts: 4,266 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>A few omissions (some have been mentioned)

    Lou Gehrig
    Bill Barilko
    Nick Adenhart
    Brian Cole >>

    +1 for Barilko!

    Whether you are counting unforeseen tragedies like Alexei Cherepanov (age 19), Dan Snyder (age 25), Bill Masterton (age 29), Everyone on the tragic RHL Locomotiv flight, Bo Diaz (37), Mark Fidrych (54), Marshal football, etc., or, some whose life choices caused early death like Tony Gwynn (chewing tobacco), Mickey Mantle (alcoholism), Bob Probert (long history of various drugs and alcohol that weakened his system), etc., it always hits really hard when any of these people pass early.
  • lawnmowermanlawnmowerman Posts: 19,477 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>goes to show you, the life of an athlete is not easy...

    drinking, traveling, lack of sleep.....it all adds up >>

    I realize this is an post by fandango but steroids (peds) are also a factor. Probably for more deaths than we actually know.
  • rcmb3220rcmb3220 Posts: 1,108 ✭✭✭✭
    Didn't see Chuck Hughes on the list. Lions receiver who died on the field at Tiger Stadium of a heart attack in a game against the Bears in 1971. My uncles were at that game.
  • DboneesqDboneesq Posts: 18,219 ✭✭

    << <i>Didn't see Chuck Hughes on the list. Lions receiver who died on the field at Tiger Stadium of a heart attack in a game against the Bears in 1971. My uncles were at that game. >>

    I vaguely remember someone who died on the field back when I was a kid. Here is some info:

    On October 24, 1971 while playing for the Detroit Lions, he suffered a fatal heart attack during the final minutes of a game against the Chicago Bears at Tiger Stadium in Detroit. He had run a pass route but was not part of the play, an incomplete pass intended for Lions tight end Charlie Sanders. He was jogging back to the huddle when he collapsed on the Bears' 15-yard line without contact. Initially some thought he was faking an injury to stop the clock, but when Bears linebacker Dick Butkus frantically signalled for help on the field, it was obvious that he was in serious trouble, and the game, which the Bears won 28-23, was finished in near silence. His teammates were informed of his death before leaving the stadium.

    Hughes, as it turned out, suffered from advanced arteriosclerosis. The autopsy revealed that his coronary arteries were 75% blocked and that he was killed by a blood clot that completely cut the circulation to his heart muscle. His family had a history of heart problems. Hughes was buried in San Antonio, Texas, and all 40 of his Lions teammates attended his funeral, including head coach Joe Schmidt. He is survived by his widow, Sharon Leah, and his son, who was 1 year and 11 months old at the time, Brandon Shane. A $10,000 trust fund was set up for his son Brandon by an insurance company. His widow filed a $21.5 million malpractice lawsuit against Henry Ford Hospital in 1972 for not diagnosing his condition when he was hospitalized after complaining of chest pains. The lawsuit was settled on October 3, 1974 for an undisclosed amount of money.

    The Lions retired his number, 85, in his honor, and annually make an award to the most improved player in his name.


    Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
  • gonzergonzer Posts: 3,038 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Didn't see Chuck Hughes on the list. Lions receiver who died on the field at Tiger Stadium of a heart attack in a game against the Bears in 1971. My uncles were at that game. >>

    This is the biggest omission that I noticed. I still have the newspaper clipping of this sad event.
  • dennis07dennis07 Posts: 1,842 ✭✭✭
    "As Cincinnati was the home of baseball's first professional team, the 1869 Cincinnati Red Stockings, the Reds traditionally played the first game of the major league season at home. On April 1, 1996, the Reds were playing the Montreal Expos, and John McSherry was assigned to work home plate. Seven pitches into the game, McSherry called a timeout, spoke briefly to Reds catcher Eddie Taubensee, and walked slowly towards the Reds' dugout. Moments after signaling for the second base umpire to come in and replace him, McSherry stumbled and collapsed. Resuscitative efforts were begun on McSherry and he was taken to University Hospital in Cincinnati, but he was pronounced dead within the hour. He was 51 years old."
    Collecting 1970 Topps baseball
  • dennis07dennis07 Posts: 1,842 ✭✭✭
    Some of these may have been mentioned
    Sean Taylor
    Dale Earnhardt
    Brian Piccolo
    Drazen Petrovic
    Hank Gathers
    Steve Prefontaine
    Derrick Thomas
    Pat Tillman
    Reggie White
    Collecting 1970 Topps baseball
  • Greg Halman was murdered by his bother. Back in holland. If memory serves not sure at what age.

    My new website www.lowgradegems.com

  • galaxy27galaxy27 Posts: 8,290 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Joe Delaney (24) of the Chiefs needs to be included. He drowned while attempting to save the lives of three children in a pond.

    you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet

  • lawnmowermanlawnmowerman Posts: 19,477 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Joe Delaney (24) of the Chiefs needs to be included. He drowned while attempting to save the lives of three children in a pond. >>

    I remember that. I was so sad when that happened. It was such a selfless, amazing act knowing he himself could not swim.
  • AC000000AC000000 Posts: 257 ✭✭✭
    Steve Macko: 9/6/54 - 11/15/81 (27)
    Played for the Cubs 1979-1980. Died from cancer that I believe was only discovered from an injury exam after a collision a 2nd base by Bill Madlock breaking up a double play.
  • skrezyna23skrezyna23 Posts: 908 ✭✭✭

    << <i>You can add TIM HORTON - NHL star to that list. Died in an automobile accident while driving home to Canada from Buffalo. (Toronto Maple Leafs / Buffalo Sabres) >>

    I presume the Canadian coffee chain was his/or named after him?
  • I am 49 and do relate more as I get older.
  • StingrayStingray Posts: 8,843 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I am 49 and do relate more as I get older. >>

    48 here, and can relate!!
  • miwlvrnmiwlvrn Posts: 4,266 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ken Hubbs

    Also, can't believe I hadn't added Terry Sawchuk before.

  • hyperchipper09hyperchipper09 Posts: 1,460 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I can relate to many on the list. 45 in Feb. My Dad and both Granddads passed before 60. I've been on the clock for awhile myself.
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    Happy Belated 56th birthday Doug...

    Good for you.
  • DboneesqDboneesq Posts: 18,219 ✭✭

    << <i>Happy Belated 56th birthday Doug... >>

    Thank you Steve. I will have to say that's the most belated Birthday greeting I have ever had:

    233 days or
    33 weeks and 2 days or
    5,592 hours or
    335,520 minutes or
    20,131,200 seconds




    Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    image I was still a youngster when you first posted this thread of 55...

    Good for you.
  • BLUEJAYWAYBLUEJAYWAY Posts: 9,686 ✭✭✭✭✭
    New York Nets star Drazen Petrovic. Age 28, car accident. Check out Wikpedia for the story.
    Successful transactions:Tookybandit. "Everyone is equal, some are more equal than others".
  • SDSportsFanSDSportsFan Posts: 5,152 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Georges Vezina and Howie Morenz.

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