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A dream come true...

This was written prior to Laura asking to write the Hot Topics so much of it is similar to what was written there, that said, here is a little more on the events that led to us purchasing the 1870-s

In 2006 my collecting interests took a sharp turn. Along with my father we had completed a set of MS liberty nickels and wanted another challenge. Seated dollars looked cheap (HA!) for their rarity and a nice XF set looked like a nice challenge. The goal was a simple one, put together a nice matched set of seated dollars in XF, and with some luck maybe even include the 1851 and 1852!

The Central States show came around and by the end of May 2006 I had picked up the seven of the common dates in XF-45. In November the collection had grown to almost 20 dates and the purchase of the 73-cc was a major milestone! It was going to be the gem the collection was built around!

Fast-forward a year, and a lot had changed. Our goal was now an AU set with some of the more common dates in MS. Business had been good for the last year and freed up a little extra spending money for coins!  Come May I’m sitting in St. Louis drooling over the 1852 AU-58 in Tony Terranovas case, what a BEAUTY, matched only by its pricetag! We left the show with me dreaming and my father scheming. About a week later my dad surprised me and informed me that he had struck a deal with Tony and the 1852 was now part of our collection! From here there was no turning back. The set would be completed, with the exception of the 1870-s. With 9 known, and a price floor of what looked to be at least $250k, the 1870-s was a distant DREAM.

Another year passed and an 1851 MS-63 came up for sale, which we were able to secure. At this point we had all the key dates and were only missing eight coins, and of course the 1870-s. Our set was nearing completion and in the short span of only 2-3 years, we had been fortunate to have a very nice set of seated dollars. About this same time, the Boyd specimen of the 1870-s sold at Stacks for $120k after the fees, had we known it were to sell for so “cheap” we would have foregone the 1851 and chased the 1870-s! It seemed now like the 1870-s was out of reach for good, perhaps the most affordable specimen had sold and would likely be off the market for a while, all the time prices would undoubtedly rise!

Jump ahead to about a month ago. We have since upgraded many coins and are but two coins (plus the 1870-s) away from a complete set. News comes out that Bowers and Merena were selling the Boyd specimen of the 1870-s once again! However, in the mean time the Farouk (just one spot ahead of the Boyd specimen by most accounts) had sold for over $500k along with another other mid-grade 1870-s specimen. Pre-sale guesses were about $150-175k, maybe more since some large collectors had migrated into seated dollars. We had Laura put in a lowball bid of $110k for the coin, hoping it’d slip through and after fees we’d get it for our maximum amount of $130k.

A week later Laura informed us of the bad news – the price expected was much more than our opening bid.

Wait a sec! What?!? $110k might take it? A couple of the normal buyers of this date were out of the game for the time being? All the planets aligned in perfect order and somehow this coin slipped through the cracks? Before I knew it, the coin I had been dreaming of just a week before was in my hands. We now owned a specimen of the famed 1870-s seated dollar.

The Boyd specimen was officially ours! It may be cleaned and tooled, but it’s an authentic 1870-s and far better looking than two other specimens I’ve seen, although it’s usually listed as either the worst, or second worst (with the Eureka specimen) known for the date. A census is shown below:

Here are my pictures of the coin, it’s hard to photograph when your hands are shaking! image Special thanks to the remote shutter release for these semi-decent pictures… (Excuse the smudge on the holder near the mintmark...)


1) James A. Stack Specimen – PCGS MS-62 - Legend Collection of Seated Dollars.
2) Norweb Specimen – NGC AU-58 (last I heard)
3) Eliasberg Specimen – PCGS AU-53
4) Ostheimer/Jack Lee Specimen – PCGS XF-40
5) Wolfson-Miles-Queller Specimen – NGC XF-40.
6) Carter Specimen – VF with minor pitting (Not certified as far as I can tell)
7) King Farouk Specimen – PCGS VF-25
8) Eureka Specimen – VF with extensive scratches
9) The present coin – The FCC Boyd Coin, sales history listed below:

• William Hesslein sale of December 1926 – FHI engraved in left field
• F.C.C. Boyd; Numismatic Gallery’s sale of the “World’s Greatest Collection”, January 1954 – Field smoothed out.
(Catalog clipping scanned below)
• Hollinbeck Coin Company’s Southern Sale, February 1951
• Earl M. Skinner; New Netherlands Coin Co.’s 39th sale, November 1952
• Charles A. Cass Collection; Stack’s Empire Sale (Cass Collection), November 1957
• Hollinbeck Coin Company’s 274th sale, November 1967
• Stack’s sale of June 1996
• Stacks 73rd Anniversary Sale, October 2008
• Bower’s and Merena Baltimore Sale, November 2009

Want to buy an auction catalog for the William Hesslein Sale (December 2, 1926). Thanks to all those who have helped us obtain the others!!!



  • braddickbraddick Posts: 23,773 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Very, very nice!
    Congratulations on a wonderful coin and a truly awesome story of how it was achieved.


  • speetyspeety Posts: 5,424
    Also, to clear up some things.

    1) Laura's "extra" involvement was briefing us on all the background of the coin and what to expect with it in hand.

    2) The price of the coin vs. it's real value... WHO CARES? It's not going anywhere anytime soon and we paid what we were comfortable paying for this treasure.

    3) Resmoothing out the fields correctly. Many people have asked me about this. It's already been tooled so i don't see any real problem doing this, however for the time being it's remaining how it is. We bought the coin knowing it's problems, if we hated them that much we wouldn't have bought it. Maybe in the future though? It's not hiding problems, the coin will always be known to be tooled and we would never try to hide that fact...

    4) Thanks for all the support guys! My father and I went against two of my three greatest mentors in deciding to purchase the coin. In the end I think they both agreed with the buy (especially at the price level, they thought it'd hammer much higher) but it made me nervous to go against those who have helped guide me for many years. Sometimes you just have to follow your heart!

    Thanks again all! image
    Want to buy an auction catalog for the William Hesslein Sale (December 2, 1926). Thanks to all those who have helped us obtain the others!!!

  • drwstr123drwstr123 Posts: 7,036 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Beauty...enjoy it in good health.
  • Cool story!
  • jesbrokenjesbroken Posts: 9,923 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Great story Mark. Thanks for sharing and congratulations on gaining a true piece of Numismatic History that very few will ever obtain.

    When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest....Abraham Lincoln

    Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.....Mark Twain
  • STONESTONE Posts: 15,275
    What an ugly rare coin imageimage

    That's a great write-up on the story of this collection.
  • richardshipprichardshipp Posts: 5,647 ✭✭✭
    Nice story. Thanks for sharing.
  • kazkaz Posts: 9,137 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well, dang! (all I can come up with at the moment, I'm about speechless!)
  • speetyspeety Posts: 5,424

    << <i>What an ugly rare coin imageimage >>

    Don't you know not to grade based on pics... geeze! image


    Thanks for the comments guys image
    Want to buy an auction catalog for the William Hesslein Sale (December 2, 1926). Thanks to all those who have helped us obtain the others!!!

  • ConnecticoinConnecticoin Posts: 12,781 ✭✭✭✭✭
    $126k for a classic rarity with a population of 9 -- sounds like a bargain to me! Congrats!

  • After reading the descriptions of this coin I imagined it was going
    to look like a nickel after a month on the highway but it's not a bad looking
    coin. Congratulations.
    molon labe
  • StuartStuart Posts: 9,761 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Mark: Congratulations on your and your father's great achievement, and for the pride of ownership that you both have for this historic coin. It is obviously in very caring and good hands, as part of a great collection.

    Thanks for sharing your personal story and for posting the enlarged photos of this coin for all of us to see. image


    Collect 18th & 19th Century US Type Coins, Silver Dollars, $20 Gold Double Eagles and World Crowns & Talers with High Eye Appeal

    "Luck is what happens when Preparation meets Opportunity"

  • << <i>Sometimes you just have to follow your heart! >>

    There can be no regrets doing that. image
    Good deals with: goldman86 mkman123 Wingsrule wondercoin segoja Tccuga OKCC LindeDad and others.

    my early American coins & currency: -- http://yankeedoodlecoins.com/
  • ponderitponderit Posts: 1,544 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Very nice Mark. Congrats to you and you dad!
    Successful BST transactions with Rob41281, crazyhounddog, Commoncents, CarlWohlford, blu62vette, Manofcoins, Monstarcoins, coinlietenant, iconbuster, RWW,Nolawyer, NewParadigm, Flatwoods, papabear, Yellowkid, Ankur, Pccoins, tlake22, drddm, Connecticoin, Cladiator, lkeigwin, pursuitofliberty
  • DieClashDieClash Posts: 3,688 ✭✭✭
    It's a tooled over POS®! widget™ of a coin, if you can call it that. I can't belived Legend would touch that thing with a 10-foot pole! image

    All kidding aside image What a great story and excellent write up by Laura. You suck! And you can pass that on to your dad for me.

    Congrats Mark image
    "Please help us keep these boards professional and informative…. And fun." - DW
  • FlatwoodsFlatwoods Posts: 4,122 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Congratulations Mark. I like to see coins owned by people who appreciate them.
    I think you made a great purchase at a great price.
  • drddmdrddm Posts: 5,345 ✭✭✭✭✭
    And who says, dreams don"t come true.....A nice story to go along with a very special and rare coin.

    Congrats Mark to you and your Dad for now being part of the pedigree of this very AWESOME coin!!


  • tradedollarnuttradedollarnut Posts: 20,162 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Let's put this in perspective. Only a handful of people have EVER completed a circulation strike set of seated dollars - of ANY grade. To the best of my knowledge, the following are the only sets ever to be completed in this fashion:

    Legend Collection
    Share Collection
    Quellar Collection
    Richmond Collection
    MnS Collection

    Eliasberg didn't do it, Norweb didn't do it, James A Stack didn't do it, Garrett didn't do it, LK Rudolf didn't do it, Carter didn't do it, Fairfield didn't do it, Starr didn't do it, Jack Lee didn't do it.
  • speetyspeety Posts: 5,424

    << <i>Let's put this in perspective. Only a handful of people have EVER completed a circulation strike set of seated dollars - of ANY grade. To the best of my knowledge, the following are the only sets ever to be completed in this fashion:

    Legend Collection
    Share Collection
    Quellar Collection
    Richmond Collection
    MnS Collection

    Eliasberg didn't do it, Norweb didn't do it, James A Stack didn't do it, Garrett didn't do it, LK Rudolf didn't do it, Carter didn't do it, Fairfield didn't do it, Starr didn't do it, Jack Lee didn't do it. >>

    Bruce, we aren't quite complete as we are missing two dates (which could be picked up at any time... just waiting for the right ones image ) but that is quite a selective list. I never knew it was that exclusive! Very Neat!!!
    Want to buy an auction catalog for the William Hesslein Sale (December 2, 1926). Thanks to all those who have helped us obtain the others!!!

  • drddmdrddm Posts: 5,345 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You got some pretty cool company on that list Mark image
  • MrEurekaMrEureka Posts: 24,194 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It might be fun to imagine the inscription that may have been removed from the obverse fields. Could there be a connection between the graffiti on the 1870-S $3 and whatever was on this dollar?
    Andy Lustig

    Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.

    Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at USPatterns.com.
  • tradedollarnuttradedollarnut Posts: 20,162 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>It might be fun to imagine the inscription that may have been removed from the obverse fields. Could there be a connection between the graffiti on the 1870-S $3 and whatever was on this dollar? >>

    Somebody didn't read the full thread. image
  • speetyspeety Posts: 5,424

    Possibly? The initials were FHI but were removed while or prior to Boyd owning the coin. Is there anything discernable on the 70-s $3 piece? I think only the numbers "893" were scratched into the coin, iirc.
    Want to buy an auction catalog for the William Hesslein Sale (December 2, 1926). Thanks to all those who have helped us obtain the others!!!

  • MrEurekaMrEureka Posts: 24,194 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ah, I see the reference to "FHI". But why are both the left and right fields smoothed out?
    Andy Lustig

    Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.

    Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at USPatterns.com.
  • TwoSides2aCoinTwoSides2aCoin Posts: 44,207 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I love this stuff.


  • speetyspeety Posts: 5,424

    << <i>Ah, I see the reference to "FHI". But why are both the left and right fields smoothed out? >>

    No clue? They appear to have been smothed prior to the Boyd sale (I went cross-eyed trying to discern the little black and white image...) so perhaps there were scratches in that field as well at some point.
    Want to buy an auction catalog for the William Hesslein Sale (December 2, 1926). Thanks to all those who have helped us obtain the others!!!

  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,117 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Mark, I am so pleased for you and your Dad. You have a rarity with your name on it....that is way cool!!!!
    BTW, how old are you now??? image
  • RampageRampage Posts: 9,436 ✭✭✭✭
    Very nice. Congratulations! image
  • anablepanablep Posts: 5,092 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Great story, great opportunity.

    More like a once in a lifetime opportunity.

    Best wishes for a completed set in the future!
    Always looking for attractive rim toned Morgan and Peace dollars in PCGS or (older) ANA/ANACS holders!

    "Bongo hurtles along the rain soaked highway of life on underinflated bald retread tires."

  • That is still one he77 of a coin! Congrats.image
  • coinguy1coinguy1 Posts: 13,484 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Ah, I see the reference to "FHI". But why are both the left and right fields smoothed out? >>

    Andy, I'm surprised that you'd ask such a dumb question. image

    Obviously the left and right fields were smoothed out to make room for when Mark (not me) was ready to place his initials in the left field and for his dad to place his in the right field.image

    In all seriousness, however, this is easily one of the more enjoyable numismatic stories I have heard about in a very long time. Congratulations to Mark (not me) and his dad.
  • dsessomdsessom Posts: 2,251 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Wow Mark! You are truly a lucky dog! THAT is an elite coin that very very few people ever will ever own, and you had quite a story to boot! That's absolutely awesome! Congratulations my friend!
    Dwayne Sessom
  • speetyspeety Posts: 5,424
    Thanks to all who have commented. It is truly an honor to be able to have the opportunity to call an 1870-s dollar your own. image

    Want to buy an auction catalog for the William Hesslein Sale (December 2, 1926). Thanks to all those who have helped us obtain the others!!!

  • SkyManSkyMan Posts: 9,493 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Congratulations!!! That is really cool. image
  • JedPlanchetJedPlanchet Posts: 907 ✭✭✭
    Thanks for sharing such an interesting and personal story image
    Whatever you are, be a good one. ---- Abraham Lincoln
  • AhrensdadAhrensdad Posts: 2,583 ✭✭✭
    Great story. Awesome you and your dad can share the experience.
    Successful BST Transactions with: WTCG, Ikenefic, Twincam, InternetJunky, bestday, 1twobits, Geoman x4, Blackhawk, Robb, nederveit, mesquite, sinin1, CommemDude, Gerard, sebrown, Guitarwes, Commoncents05, tychojoe, adriana, SeaEagleCoins, ndgoflo, stone, vikingdude, golfer72, kameo, Scotty1418, Tdec1000, Sportsmoderator1 and many others.

    Please visit my website Millcitynumismatics.com
  • Thanks for the comments guys image

    Up for the night crew...
    Want to buy an auction catalog for the William Hesslein Sale (December 2, 1926). Thanks to all those who have helped us obtain the others!!!

  • Good for you and your Dad! Congrats!
    Tony Barreca

    "Question your assumptions."
    "Intelligence is an evolutionary adaptation."
  • jhdflajhdfla Posts: 3,030 ✭✭✭
    Congrats Mark! image
  • SwampboySwampboy Posts: 12,949 ✭✭✭✭✭



    The entertainment can never be overdressed....except in burlesque

  • << <i>imageimageimageimageimageimage


    image >>

    I would have to second that... congrats.

  • greghansengreghansen Posts: 4,301 ✭✭✭
    Congratulations on a very special accomplishment!

    Greg Hansen, Melbourne, FL Click here for any current EBAY auctions Multiple "Circle of Trust" transactions over 14 years on forum

  • 291fifth291fifth Posts: 24,277 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The coin seems to have been worked on by two different hands.

    1. The smoothing of the fields seems to have been done in a very crude manner.

    2. The re-engraving of the horizontal shield lines (at least I think they are re-engraved) and the "LIBERTY" (which definitely looks re-engraved) looks like much more careful work. Is it possible to track when the re-engraving was done?

    All glory is fleeting.

  • << <i>The coin seems to have been worked on by two different hands.

    1. The smoothing of the fields seems to have been done in a very crude manner.

    2. The re-engraving of the horizontal shield lines (at least I think they are re-engraved) and the "LIBERTY" (which definitely looks re-engraved) looks like much more careful work. Is it possible to track when the re-engraving was done? >>

    The fields were originally smoothed before the Boyd sale, but I believe they have been smoothed at least once more. They actually aren't too bad, except it seems the original person took off some of the metal and thus the fields are lower than the rest of the coin which in photos make it look horrible. In hand it's not as bad...

    The repunching of liberty and the lines directly above and below liberty also were done before the Boyd sale as far as I can tell. The rest of the shield lines are original and not tooled imo.

    Want to buy an auction catalog for the William Hesslein Sale (December 2, 1926). Thanks to all those who have helped us obtain the others!!!

  • Wow!

    Now that is quite an accomplishment! (set completion - I know, it's not complete yet, but for all practical purposes, it is).

    As for the 1870-s, it's a special thing to be the caretaker of such a truly rare item. Congrats!image
  • JMWJMW Posts: 497
    Great story and congratulations.
  • BECOKABECOKA Posts: 16,960 ✭✭✭
    Congrats, I know how hard you have worked on this set.

    Now you need to get two placeholders so you can officially join that short list. image
  • One of only nine known to exist? I'd be proud to own that coin in ANY condition.
  • MisterBungleMisterBungle Posts: 2,308 ✭✭✭

    Great story, and a coin with a history.

    This is what coin collecting should be all about!!


    "America suffers today from too much pluribus and not enough unum.".....Arthur Schlesinger Jr.

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