Early Quarter Eagle Set

I am in the process of building a date run of early quarter eagles. I have both NGC and PCGS coins thus far. What are some important considerations in joining the registry set for this type of collection? What would be the benefits? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
The PCGS Set Registry only allows registry of PCGS coins. The NGC counterpart, the Collectors' Society Registry, allows both NGC and PCGS coins. I find the PCGS Set Registry by far easier to use, though the NGC site's layout looks somewhat nicer for browsing other peoples' collections as a visitor. There is no reason that you could not use both registries. I put all my PCGS coins on the PCGS registry, and I put all of my NGC coins and my more significant PCGS coins on the NGC registry. My collection tends to be PCGS-heavy.
Entering information on the coins themselves is fairly easy, except for getting pictures. Uploading the pictures from a computer to the site is easy, but learning how to photograph coins is an art form well beyond the scope of this post!
I put my set up just for fun, it's an easy way to share your collection with others.
Easily enough accomplished if you make the set(s) private.
If you want to give them a want list, I suppose it could help as such. (I've never had to submit a want list, because that list is so much larger than my budget at this point that it would be more helpful to keep a list of what I do have than what I don't.) However, one need not tell a coin dealer that you're "earlyAurum" on the PCGS Set Registry (or whatever name you use.)
My advice is to post some pictures or links to your such coins so's we can oogle them
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry