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Is this a coin you would get put in a genuine holder NOW

fishteethfishteeth Posts: 2,252 ✭✭✭✭✭
I purchased this coin raw a number of years ago with the help of a well known early dollar collector. The coin has obviously been cleaned, but I can look
past that for a 1795 dollar

I have no plans on selling the coin currently and like to be able to hold this piece of history raw in my hands. I know that to sell this coin it would be a great benifit to have
in a genuine holder with all the high and low quality fakes. My concern is that fakes may get so go in the future that unless it was a known/slabbed coin before the great fakes
show up it will be very hard to authenticate. Probably will not happen, but never know. So would you guys give up the joy of holding this coin raw, for the added long term

Also I grade this a F12 details, what do you guys grade her.



  • ziggy29ziggy29 Posts: 18,668 ✭✭✭
    If you were hit by a bus and loved ones had to deal with trying to sell it raw, how would you feel about it?

    That's what led me to start slabbing some coins I previously enjoyed raw -- I don't want my wife stuck with trying to sell raw better dates of fairly valuable coins if something suddenly happens to me.
  • SamByrdSamByrd Posts: 3,131 ✭✭✭✭
    truly a great classic coin. regardless of the cleaning and slight damage this coin will always be in great demand. No doubt it would need to be in a genuine holder to market and sell it at some point. I would consider for now to let the old girl be free range enjoy such a historical coin in hand and up close not through a slab.
  • That is a very tough decision, and one you will have to make for yourself. You have to decide what you enjoy more; the coin or peace of mind for the value of the coin.

    I have made the decision to holder my coins; partly to enhance resell value at a later date, partly to relieve my wife of the burden of selling these coins if something should happen to me and partly to help protect the coin from being mishandled. I would sure hate to hear your grandchild used it for a coaster for his juice box without it being in a slab (ask MJ).image
  • HoledandCreativeHoledandCreative Posts: 2,798 ✭✭✭✭✭
    This coin looks to have had a hole repaired at 12:00ish, IMO. Still a desirable coin.
  • *like to be able to hold this piece of history raw in my hands*

    You are in danger of allowing the investment aspects of coins take over your enjoyment of the hobby. Stop! Enjoy the coin. Don't ever feel the need to put this or any coin in a genuine holder because you worry about the counterfeiters getting better and better.

    If counterfeiters get so good that raw coins can't get authenticated anymore then it won't matter anyway. People won't even trust coins that are in the holders. In that extreme scenario there is no difference between fake and real and all coins become cheap and common. If counterfeiters are that good they will counterfeit the holders too. If they can fool every authenticator then the game is over.

  • RayboRaybo Posts: 5,329 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I really don't see where it was holed, maybe a slight fill at 6 o'clock on the reverse but what do I know? image

    Slab it!
    Very cool coin no matter what! image
  • This is what I might do.

    Keep it raw and enjoy it.

    Keep instructions for loved ones on how to handle my key coins (or better yet, use a friend I trust who knows the business).

    "Pedigree" the coin with dated photographs as a hedge against counterfeiters.

    "spot on my UHR, nevermind, I wiped it off"
  • fishteethfishteeth Posts: 2,252 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Coin was never holed actually look very nice in hand, esp the reverse. Maybe another 20yrs out of plastic will help it look even better

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