Now that the stock market is safe again
Posts: 2,111
Maybe its time to sell my PMs and get back into stocks. I feel so much better that they have a strong enforcement arm in the SEC and the new COO has so much experience with corruption.
As a Goldman Sachs employee (notice I dont say Ex-employee cause we all know who he will be working for) he should have a real good understanding of Wall Street corruption.
Now that there are so many foxes guarding the hens, its time to get a jackal to make sure the some of the smaller foxes dont take more than they are allowed.
As a Goldman Sachs employee (notice I dont say Ex-employee cause we all know who he will be working for) he should have a real good understanding of Wall Street corruption.
Now that there are so many foxes guarding the hens, its time to get a jackal to make sure the some of the smaller foxes dont take more than they are allowed.
The government is incapable of ever managing the economy. That is why communism collapsed. It is now socialism’s turn - Martin Armstrong
Nothing like being on the winning side when the fix is in.
<< <i>Actually GS stock is about the only one I'd feel confident buying.
Nothing like being on the winning side when the fix is in. >>
They are the 600 pound Gorilla of the financial world backed by the fed so I can see your reasoning.
I'm sure that "Uncle Timmy" will help take care of him. Not to worry.
I knew it would happen.
<< <i>Posts like the OP, in quantity, are often an indicator of a coming correction in the stock market. --Jerry >>
I took the OP to be in jest.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
<< <i>I took the OP to be in jest. >>
Me too.
<< <i>
<< <i>Posts like the OP, in quantity, are often an indicator of a coming correction in the stock market. --Jerry >>
I took the OP to be in jest. >>
Of course he was being sarcastic, not everyone can drink the koolaid.