1954 Wilson Franks baseball card help
Posts: 346 ✭✭✭
Hi. I need some help from someone who has a PSA 4 or better 1954 Wilson Franks card. I own a card, and the guides all say that the size should be 2 5/8 X 3 3/4 inches. However, the size of my card varies slightly from that. Thus, my request is, would someone please measure a couple of their Wilson Franks cards to give me a precise measurement on them. PLEASE--not about such and such, but exactly what are the precise dimensions of a Wilson. Hopefully, I am not sitting on a trimmed card, though I know that the 1954 Topps varied slightly. Hence, that is why I was requesting the measurement of 2 Wilson cards, if possible. Many thanks in advance. ---IndianaJones (Brian Powell)
I have seen some cards that are off in size but that does not mean that they are trimmed. I don't have my Wilsons here at my office to help you but if you would scan the card I believe there are five of us that would be able to tell you if you need to worry.
Always looking for Topps Salesman Samples, pre '51 unopened packs, E90-2, E91a, N690 Kalamazoo Bats, and T204 Square Frame Ramly's
Shane, Griffins----- I seriously doubt that it was trimmed. It is not that trimming was never done back then, but usually the trimming was so obvious (i.e. to remove a real eyesore) and usually done by a kid at the time the card was issued. Now for the embarrassing part. I do not know how to scan a card without help from a librarian. While my knowledge of using a computer is increasing, I am not that far yet. I have sent scans to an email address, but have absolutely no idea how to do it on the PSA message board. If I am to be "tarred and feathered" for my ignorance, get the tar on thick; I'm ticklish.
Thanks gentlemen. ---Brian Powell