Home Precious Metals

Of course gold and silver are going nuts.

Got in a little cash bind last week and sold some. So of course it's going thru the roof. Soon as I buy it will drop like a rock.
Molon Labe


  • I Sold another 100 oz today so we should see $17 in the morning. image

    Its OK b/c I'm gonna load up at the end of the month when it hits $12-$13 image
    Its all relative
  • Coll3ctorColl3ctor Posts: 3,343 ✭✭✭
    "Its OK b/c I'm gonna load up at the end of the month when it hits $12-$13"

    Don't hold your breath image
  • I know, I know but I hope to see this happen again image
    Its all relative
  • You might want to hang on to all your silver! big rise in price soon? Get ready for great and growing price volatility.
    Many successful BST transactions ajia
    (x2,Meltdown),cajun,Swampboy,SeaEagleCoins,InYHWHWeTrust, bstat1020,Spooly,timrutnat,oilstates200, vpr, guitarwes,
    mariner67, and Mikes coins
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