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Here's Ebay's LIVE PERSON Customer Service Number....

ThePennyLadyThePennyLady Posts: 4,451 ✭✭✭✭✭
In spite of Ebay's recent changes that you may or may not agree with, apparently they are trying to turn over a new leaf and be more customer service friendly. I recently bought a coin on Ebay that never arrived and the seller was not very responsive and would not help in filing the insurance claim. I informed Ebay that we had a problem and also filed a claim with PayPal. A short time later I received an email from Ebay asking if we'd resolved the issue and, if not, to call them. So I called them, and after entering a password, was connected with a live person. He was very helpful, and offered to speed up the PayPal process by authorizing a refund right away instead of waiting the usual several weeks for PayPal to issue the refund. He was very friendly and asked about the coin I bought and even gave me some tips on easier ways to get around Ebay. So I thought I'd post the phone number I used in case any of you need to contact a real person at Ebay. I'm also posting some other numbers I have in my contacts for Ebay but can't remember where I got them (maybe even on this forum a while back) but am not sure if they are current, so feel free to update this list if you have more current information.

Customer Service with LIVE person: 1-866-643-1588

Toll Free USA & Canada:
1-800-322-9266 Customer Service
1-866-304-3229 Marketing
Toll Free?
801-545-2276 President's Receptionist
801-545-1853 "Christa"
Not Toll Free:
408-558-7401 (add'l sequential #'s may work 7402, 7403, etc)
408-376-7480 General
408-376-7443 "Arlene"
408-558-7458 Kevin Purslove
408-376-7205 Investor's Relations
408-376-7458 Media Representative
Power Seller's Customer Relations exec.relations@ebay.com
President's Office billcobb@ebay.com
CEO meg@ebay.com
CEO meg.whitman@ebay.com

PayPal Customer Service
Charmy HarkerThe Penny Lady®


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    telephoto1telephoto1 Posts: 4,802 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pretty sure Bill and Meg's emails won't work any more. Seeing how they left and all.image

    New President and CEO is John Donahoe.

    RIP Mom- 1932-2012
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    19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,485 ✭✭✭✭
    Ya confused me with this line Charmy:

    "..........speed up the PayPal process by authorizing a refund right away instead of waiting the usual several weeks for PayPal to issue the refund."


    Thats not what gets reported here.
    I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

    The name is LEE!
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    ResRes Posts: 1,086

    << <i>Ya confused me with this line Charmy:

    "..........speed up the PayPal process by authorizing a refund right away instead of waiting the usual several weeks for PayPal to issue the refund."


    Thats not what gets reported here. >>

    What confused me was the info that the seller wouldn't help in filing the insurance claim. I thought the seller was responsible for filing the claim. If it didn't arrive, do a chargeback.
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    ThePennyLadyThePennyLady Posts: 4,451 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>Ya confused me with this line Charmy:

    "..........speed up the PayPal process by authorizing a refund right away instead of waiting the usual several weeks for PayPal to issue the refund."


    Thats not what gets reported here. >>

    What confused me was the info that the seller wouldn't help in filing the insurance claim. I thought the seller was responsible for filing the claim. If it didn't arrive, do a chargeback. >>

    Not sure what Lyds means - what "doesn't get reported here"????

    The p.o. says that either party can file a claim now, but I needed the seller's address, and when I requested his contact info from Ebay, I only got a phone, city, state, no street address, so I had to google him to get it. What do you mean "chargeback"? I used PayPal.
    Charmy HarkerThe Penny Lady®
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    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>Ya confused me with this line Charmy:

    "..........speed up the PayPal process by authorizing a refund right away instead of waiting the usual several weeks for PayPal to issue the refund."


    Thats not what gets reported here. >>

    What confused me was the info that the seller wouldn't help in filing the insurance claim. I thought the seller was responsible for filing the claim. If it didn't arrive, do a chargeback. >>

    Not sure what Lyds means - what "doesn't get reported here"????

    The p.o. says that either party can file a claim now, but I needed the seller's address, and when I requested his contact info from Ebay, I only got a phone, city, state, no street address, so I had to google him to get it. What do you mean "chargeback"? I used PayPal. >>

    Go to the resolution center in paypal and click on "dispute a transaction" Fill in the requested information. If the seller didn't use delivery or signature confirmation, you will get your money back. If he did use DC and there is no record of it being delivered, you will get your money back. If the DC does show delivered, you may not get your money back.
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    ArizonaJackArizonaJack Posts: 4,029 ✭✭✭
    While were here, I'll post a link to " get a human . com "....It works with many of those pesky " press 1 for...." places

    " YOU SUCK " Awarded 5/18/08
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    ThePennyLadyThePennyLady Posts: 4,451 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Go to the resolution center in paypal and click on "dispute a transaction" Fill in the requested information. If the seller didn't use delivery or signature confirmation, you will get your money back. If he did use DC and there is no record of it being delivered, you will get your money back. If the DC does show delivered, you may not get your money back. >>

    Insurance requires a signature, but it never even left his p.o. So does that qualify? I did file a report with Ebay that I never received the item - so isn't that what you're talking about? I also filed a claim with PayPal.
    Charmy HarkerThe Penny Lady®
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    ThePennyLadyThePennyLady Posts: 4,451 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>While were here, I'll post a link to " get a human . com "....It works with many of those pesky " press 1 for...." places

    getahuman.com >>

    Very very cool - thanks Jack!
    Charmy HarkerThe Penny Lady®
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    MsMorrisineMsMorrisine Posts: 32,500 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm not sure this is available to every user, but on the upper right is "Help" then at the bottom of the drop-down menu is "Contact Us"

    on that page is a "Call Us" link (5am - 10pm PST, 7 days a week).

    Current maintainer of Stone's Master List of Favorite Websites // My BST transactions
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    mrearlygoldmrearlygold Posts: 17,858 ✭✭✭

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