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how long is too long

edgaredgar Posts: 886 ✭✭✭✭
when waiting for submission results, how long a wait is too long a wait? sent 5 submissions on 06/26:
1. world coins, grading raw, economy (20-30 days).... still waiting
2. world coins, grading raw, regular (15 days).... still waiting
3. u.s. coins, grading raw, regular (15 days).... shipped 07/07
4. u.s. coins, grading raw, modern (20-30 days).... shipped 07/01
5. cc quarterly special .... shipped 07/13

after calling, i was told that perhaps they are waiting for an "outside grader" to come in for submission #1 and 2 (coins from same country)
and after all we are gearing up for la ana.
i don't want to become a pest, and i know that turn around times are approximate, i know pcgs no longer compensates for missing deadlines, but when regular submissions take longer than economy submissions, it seems to indicate that either the time frame is not realistic or existing resources are overwhelmed..... when should one begin to snarl (knowing it won't help any way}?

added..... i am very pleased with my u.s. coins submission turnaround times (all submissions to date). even previous world coins submissions have beat posted turn around times. it's just this one instance (#2 above)

any thoughts



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