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For the newbie's "My method of selling on the BST

jdimmickjdimmick Posts: 9,706 ✭✭✭✭✭
For the newbies. This is my policy for selling on the BST after I recieved a few angry PM's a moment ago . As stuff (specifically bullion) comes into the shop, the local customers of course get the fill, then extra or over abundant goes to the BST. I work on a first come first serve basis. I dont keep a list of Folks(on CCU) to PM when stuff comes in, becuase it is a pain to send out various PM's to folks and wait for reply's whether they want it or not, or if there even away for a period of time which causes greater issues. I price things to sell at usually good prices, so if your lucky enough to be on line at the time of the post, then you got a shot. If not them maybe next time.

I never know what will come in the door and it changes from day to day. One day can be nearly nothing, the next day huge.



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