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Need Help Please On 1832 Half Dime Variety

The best picture of the coin is in Heritage archives auction 1127 lot 7498. My observations under a 10k loupe might help and are not seen at all in the Heritage picture. On the obverse, going clockwise, the second, third and forth stars are connected by a die crack. There is also a die crack going from the bottom left of Liberties bust area to the 1 in the date. On the reverse, the only thing that I notice is that the 5C is very prominently doubled. Any thoughts?


  • MrHalfDimeMrHalfDime Posts: 3,440 ✭✭✭✭
    The half dime you asked about is an example of the 1832 LM-7/V9, although I was not able to determine that from your description of the die state. A quick check of the Heritage Archives picture of Lot #7498 allowed me to quickly attribute the coin. In the last (2008) JRCS half dime census survey, the 1832 LM-7/V9 was determined to be an R2 die marriage, or quite common. The Heritage example is quite attractive.

    They that can give up essential Liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither Liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin

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