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Before and after Kraft envelope toning pics - a CBH, naturally...

Here's one of my first busties (previously cleaned), imaged on a color scanner. What follows are recent photos after the coin spent a year on a sunny window sill in a series of Kraft envelopes. Those in the know should be able to provide the Overton attribution quickly. I am still attracted to this coin, primarily because of all of the clashing on the reverse.





Needless to say, I'm pleased with the results. I know some of you might not care for this look, but hey... I like it, and that's what counts. Any comments are appreciated.
102 capped bust half dollars - 100 die marriages
BHNC #198


  • JRoccoJRocco Posts: 14,277 ✭✭✭✭✭
    She will just keep getting better and better.
    I have found that after about a year in those envelopes, you can remove them and they
    will continue to improve in a more even way as time passes. A few that I have left in envelopes
    for very long times developed some uneven toning with some very dark areas.
    But every one of these is different and tones differently.
    One thing I have learned is that before I put a coin down for a rest I make sure I give her a soak in acetone so
    I don't get any bad surprises when I open the envelope a year late.
    Nice coin by the way.
    Some coins are just plain "Interesting"
  • BBQnBLUESBBQnBLUES Posts: 1,803
    Cool trick... Turning a Silver Bust Half into a Gold coin image
  • OKbustchaserOKbustchaser Posts: 5,498 ✭✭✭✭✭
    From the looks it is probably time to pull the envelope out of the window and set it in a drawer for a while before the coin starts to speckle.

    By the way, even though it is only an R-1 the 107 is one of the last few DMs I need for 1812.image
    Just because I'm old doesn't mean I don't love to look at a pretty bust.
  • zap1111zap1111 Posts: 1,298 ✭✭
    I've pulled down the first batch off of the sill - they're done. I've put up 4 more just this week, based on the success of the first set. Incidentally, I tried this based on recommendations from Ed Richter. I'm glad I did.

    The 1812 O. 107 is such a great die marriage - one can get a single, double or triple clash on the reverse, let alone the prime (without the lump over the wing). Brad Karoloff wrote an interesting article on the die marriage in JRCS a few years back, if you're interested.
    102 capped bust half dollars - 100 die marriages
    BHNC #198
  • UTTM07UTTM07 Posts: 313 ✭✭
    Here's it's sister:


  • I remember when the coin books said coins in Kraft envelopes would not tarnish.

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