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red X's in the early morning on ebay

good morning.

How often does ebay bugger up auction photos in the early morning and leave you with just red X's?


  • I have never seen red x's on Ebay
  • notwilightnotwilight Posts: 12,864 ✭✭✭
    I've had photobucket problems give me red xs but never ebay. --Jerry
  • jsfjsf Posts: 1,889
    well, it still isn't fixed; they admit it's been down a while; they want me to quit the listing and relist; I told them that's bs, I'd lose my current bids; so they want me to reload all the pics and have double sets, one that works and one that doesn't; I wonder what else they'd like me to try to help them fix or workaround their problem?

    ebay chat: 11:07:12 AM "Jan B. This is actually a known issue right now that we are looking into. For now you can fix this by removing the pictures and reuploading them again after you have cleared your browser's cache and cookies. We assure you that we are trying to fix this problem at the soonest possible time to prevent this from happening in the future. "
  • jsfjsf Posts: 1,889
    just tried to start some three-day coin listings; ebay rep says photo problem still exists and they are working on problem.

    Maybe they'll hit on a solution during their scheduled maintenance tonight. Ya' think?

  • sinin1sinin1 Posts: 7,500
    we are making improvements so sBay is a better experience for you

    or some crap like that

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