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C and D mint gold and other shortages at the MNS show

RYKRYK Posts: 35,797 ✭✭✭✭✭
This point may have been lost in my Twitter feed, but at the recent MNS coin show, I did not see a single Charlotte or Dahlonega mint gold coin. I usually see at least a handful. I did not look in every case, but I did see a representative smattering of the other gold coins including early gold, New Orleans and CC gold, and 3 Bechtlers in one case and one in another. I also saw a total of one Type I $20 Liberty (the 1850 in bidask's case).

We all know that these coins are not scarce (though certainly some individual dates are), and I admit that I had three children with me and was hardly focused, but I did try to look at the gold coins in every case that had them.

I will also add that I only remember seeing stickered coin slabs at bidask's table. It appears that while the CAC is catching on, there is still some work to do at the local/regional level. Either that, or primarily lower end slabbed coins were offered on the bourse, and this may actually be true, as well.


  • fcfc Posts: 12,793 ✭✭✭
    perhaps it was just a fluke?

    perhaps dealers simply sold off inventory that was sitting like expensive southern
    gold in auctions recently?

    maybe the dealers there really do not concentrate on that subset of US coins and
    only sell them when a person off the street sells one to them? As in they do not
    seek them out via major auctions for sale later in their cases?

    i am just guessing.

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