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Any such thing as a Wisconsin 2004-D clashed die reverse?

Has anyone heard of a Wisconsin 2004-D clashed die reverse?
I pulled a 2004-D out of circulation and above the cheese, below the normal leaf, there are numerous squiggly lines drifting upwards. It's as if it were a faint graphic depiction of aroma, but also looks like Washington's spaghetti hair. Then there is another little one, going in the other direction, towards the nostril of the cow.
I tried scanning to show, but my scanner is not up to the task.
If anyone knows of this, please share. Or if there is a representation of the one side superimposed on the other, then I may be able to identify it myself.


    I think that what you found is similar to some BU examples of the 2004 D WI Quarter that I found in a BU roll of quarters that a Galveston, Tx coin dealer had for sale at a Round Rock, Tx coin show in 2005. I purchased one roll of his $15/roll coins and exaimed those 40 coins and then went back and bougth his remaining rolls. It maybe my age but I have to use a loupe to see the little raised lines coming from the top of the cheese. I believe that a dealer on Ebay named Y2K was selling these coins as an error. Everyone enjoy collecting coins. PS: I was a member of the GHCC back in the 70's. We met at the Southwestern Savings Bldg. on Westhiemer Road in Houston.
    Specialized Investments

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