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New article by me in Gobrecht Journal of this month: Collecting Seated Half Dollars By Date

Dennis88Dennis88 Posts: 5,797 ✭✭✭
Hi all,

The July issue of the Gobrecht Journal, the official publication of the Liberty Seated Collectors Club, includes an article written by me titled "Collecting Seated Half Dollars By Date". It focuses on the possibility of completing the Seated Half Dollar date set by date only, thus leaving out some of the extremely rare and expensive branch mints. Suggestions are given for possible inclusions of branch mint issues in such a set.

It is printed on pages 3 to 10 and illustrated with pictures of varies coins and photographs of both the San Francisco and Carson City Mints which struck seated half dollars, taken by myself during my first visit to the United States in June of last year (I live in Europe and was born and raised here). If you are not (yet) a member of the LSCC please send me an email at eagle88@gmail.com">qeagle88@gmail.com and I will send you a PDF file with a scan of the article tomorrow. I do encourage all of you with even a modest interest in Liberty Seated coinage to become a member of the club. The journal provides valuable information about all topics of these fascinating 19th century coins which helped to build America.

More information on the LSCC can be found here.

As usual, comments are welcome and greatly appreciated.

Dennis Hengeveld


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