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Ok it might of been mentioned before. But what Picture program is best to photo coins.

I am looking to build a better photo program of my coins.

Like I have seen some error coins on here and websites showing errors pointing *ARROWS* towards the error on the coin and zooming in with great detail. What programs/discs are out there to do a great job for my needs.. All I have is Kodak Photoshop, it does cool things but doesn't have the id arrows. thanks


  • fcloudfcloud Posts: 12,133 ✭✭✭✭
    I know there are super programs out there, but a lot of stuff can be done with paint. That is all I use. Maybe someday I'll get something, so it sould be nice to see the recommentations from others.

    President, Racine Numismatic Society 2013-2014; Variety Resource Dimes; See 6/8/12 CDN for my article on Winged Liberty Dimes; Ebay

  • <<but doesn't have the id arrows. thanks >>

    For that, there should be a pencil icon to use. You can draw an arrow yourself using this tool.

    Quite eassy to get the hang of, but if youve never used it, might be hard to find where its at.image
  • phehpheh Posts: 1,588
    If your program allows you to add text to your images check out the Wingdings or Webdings font. They have arrow symbols.
  • YaHaYaHa Posts: 4,220

    << <i>If your program allows you to add text to your images check out the Wingdings or Webdings font. They have arrow symbols. >>

    See, I knew I would get help.. As many know I use a MSNtv2 receiver to chat with you guys, but when the family Home PC is limited time for me/dad to do my coins and I will check next time on my Kodak to see what's inside.. I can add text,zoom, crop, change colors and all of that, but must spend a little more time figuring out...

    You know when you are old and as me having a bad back it's hard to sit at a desk for more than 10 minutes and figure stuff out.. I just want to get er done quickly.. Thanks my coin buds..image

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