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A MAJOR thank you to Duane!!!

I had the pleasure of talking with Duane several days ago about some coins and his MPL's. After exchanging PM's, he offered to send me a free copy of Kevin Flynn's new MPL cent book, which he contributed too. I found this to be a very generous offer and a very nice thing for one collector to do for another...

Well, 2 maybe 3 days go by and this morning, theres a knock on the door... Yup, it was my new MPL cent book. image

Now this is an area of numismatics that Ive always been fond of, but I dont actively collect MPL's. I do read about them and keep up with the market and known coins for the series.
This book is a must have for anyone with even a fleeting interest in these coins, or Lincoln's in general.

So, in closing, a BIG thank you goes out to forum member Duane Blake.
You sir are a very nice guy to talk with, and very generous too! I hope to meet you one day at a show and buy you a beer, and talk coins.

Thank you

Also, if anyone else has meet anyone here on the forum like this, or has a story of a member going that extra mile for you, post your stories here.

Itll be a feel good thread for all involved.


  • robecrobec Posts: 6,773 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've had a multitude of talks, dealings and interactions with Duane. He is a fun person to talk with and is very generous with his time and thoughts. His generosity also extends to bonus gifts as stinkinlincoln has mentioned. He loves the hobby, which covers an area larger than just the MPL sector, and will do many such things as this to promote it. A great guy and good friend!!
  • MPLunaticMPLunatic Posts: 617 ✭✭
    man i sure do miss my mpls, had to sell all of them last summer when gas prices and the recession destroyed me, I have been meaning to pick up a copy of that mpl book, looks amazing!
  • Duane is a really great guy. He sent me a copy of that book too. I'm not at all knowledgeable on MPL's, but always interested in expanding my knowledge of coins. The book is incredibly detailed and breaks down each year extensively. Very educational.
    Take a look at all the colorful coins at Chameleon Coins
  • Thanks fellas - I love our fraternity and appreciate our friendships.


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