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For the VAM lovers out there.....

About two years ago, ANACS was running a special that for $10 they would grade any Morgan and assign a VAM (if appropriate). At that time I took all my ungraded Morgans that I had accumulated over the years for whatever the reason and submitted them for this special. I have since decided these coins no longer fit in my collection and have decided to give the board first crack if anyone is interested.

The coins are as follows (remember all ANACS graded):

1878-S Vam 8A MS62
1884-O Vam 5 MS64
1883-O Vam-1 MS62
1879-S Vam-3 MS64
1881-s Vam-42 MS62
1880 Vam-30 AU55
1921 VAM-24B MS64

The following coins have some sort of problem and are in the small white holder

1878-S VAM-73 AU 55 details cleaned
1878-S VAM-14 MS 60 details cleaned
1878-S VAM-21 AU 58 details cleaned
1878-S VAM-33 MS 60 details cleaned
1904 VAM-1 AU 58 details cleaned
1888-s VAM-16A DDR HOT 50 MS 60 details cleaned
1900-o VAM-23 MS 60 details cleaned
1878 VAM-110 AU 58 details cleaned
1890-cc VAM-2 FINE 12 polished rim filed
1878-s VAM-33 MS 60 details cleaned

Ideally, I would like to sell the coins all at once, but will take offers for individual coins.

Please email at nealg58417@aol.com if interested or would like to see pics. (I am very slow at getting pics up)





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