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Not really a coin, but it's a very nice medal

Here is something that most people will never see. It's the Pearl Harbor survivor medal. My grandfather was a survivor and put in his application to be issued one back in 1991. I do not have a lot of information on this medal, but the designer is T. James Farrell. It's an actual recognized military medal from what I have been able to find, but it is not designed to be worn, therefore it does not have an order of precedence.

Unfortunately it has some corrosion on it, so it has been soaking in Olive oil to try and shake it off. It's working and you can see the red discoloring from the corrosion. I would rather live with those little blemishes instead of letting the corrosion continue. I'm glad I got it when I did, so I could take the steps necessary to conserve this medal.

The detail of this medal is outstanding and the guys at the local club really liked it. I hope you enjoy it also.

Here is the best info I've been able to find on it, if you are interested. Pearl Harbor survivor medal info



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