How a bout a dual portrait of Lincoln and King? Lincoln created the promise, and King fulfilled it. It took a lot of courage and strength to do what King did. Scott
How about we end this discussion with a real money saving idea...can the cent! Oh that’s right, I forgot the coin vending machine industry is the power that decides what coins stay and what coins go. Maybe we should let the vending machine lobbyist decide for us.
Proud recipient of the coveted PCGS Forum "You Suck" Award Thursday July 19, 2007 11:33 PM and December 30th, 2011 at 8:50 PM.
All the replies and suggestions and the reasons for the suggestions simply fortifies the reason that Lady Liberty should be returned to the United States of America coinage and currency. Regardless of personal accomplishments, all the above named individuals had one common tie.
Bringing her back would establish the fact that no single individual made this country what it is, but all people responding to the pursuit of Liberty.
I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.
<< <i>All the replies and suggestions and the reasons for the suggestions simply fortifies the reason that Lady Liberty should be returned to the United States of America coinage and currency. Regardless of personal accomplishments, all the above named individuals had one common tie.
Bringing her back would establish the fact that no single individual made this country what it is, but all people responding to the pursuit of Liberty. >>
<< <i>All the replies and suggestions and the reasons for the suggestions simply fortifies the reason that Lady Liberty should be returned to the United States of America coinage and currency. Regardless of personal accomplishments, all the above named individuals had one common tie.
Bringing her back would establish the fact that no single individual made this country what it is, but all people responding to the pursuit of Liberty. >>
It's amazing how many people piss and moan about all the different dead people on our coins being there for so long, but nobody realizes that Liberty has more years on coins than all of the dead people. Hell, you people should go back to horses and buggies. Wait, with the price of gasoline, you may have to.
<< <i>Apparently many coin collectors just can't stomach seeing a person of color, especially a Black man, in a position of power much less having a prominent appearance on a coin or banknote. That's what it comes down to for a lot of people, whether or not they want to admit it. It is pathetic how ignorant and narrow-minded many people can be. >>
It seems to me the narrow-minded-ness is coming from the other side of the fence lately. We can exclude white men but can't exclude women or minorities. I grew up in Missouri where one might think the backwoods mentality fostered cointinued prejudice. But in the 60s we were taught very clearly tht discrimination was a thing of the past, and that was almost 50 years ago. Next came women's rights and I am a product of the ERA generation when women and men were supposed to be treated equal. But now we've overcorrected. There is no equal treatment. I found that out in divorce. Look at promotion statistics in any large company and you'll see that women and minorities are getting twice the promotions of white men (or higher) and it has become expected to target women and minorities for promotions. Additionally there are laws that require companies to give women and minority controlled businesses preferential treatment in business decisions.
I think we should leave someone on the cent who believed in equality. That would be Lincoln, not King.
Jerry, your insight and observations are right on as usual. Prejudice and bigotry comes in many forms and you are quite right, the majority seems to be coming from the other side of the fence.
Sorry Jerry et al but you have no clue. You’re griping about preferences in promotions and contracts given to minority owned businesses. Such things must have been beyond King’s wildest dreams. He was struggling just to get the right to vote and to use the same restroom as whites.
With all the changing reverses of the quarter, all opinions can be accomodated. Duke Ellington is now adorning our DC quarter. Bring 'em on, we'll put them on the reversw of the quarter, but first we must take care of our national parks.
I would vote for a depiction of Taft stuck in a bathtub as the obverse for a new penny. With all that is going wrong in the US lately, why not be able to laugh at ourselves a little bit.
In all seriousness, King on a coin wouldn't bother me, but I would prefer it be a commem and not a circulating coin. I am in agreement with those of you that think american coinage should go back to the days of Standing Liberty and Indian Heads. But really, why makeover any of the current coin denominations, when it may be better to leave well enough alone? It is only going too be a matter of time before every transaction will be commenced with a Debit or Credit card and coins will be obsolete.
I disagree. He might of had some nice talks and did rally a lot of people for equal rights ect.
Um, yes, he did have some "nice talks." Reading through many of the replies here I'm again happy that at least we all love coins............'cause otherwise I wouldn't want much to do with many of you poor, downtrodden white guys.
It would be nice to return to "Liberty" designs on all of the coinage. Granted, we have quite a few years committed to Pres Dollars and Sacagawea/ Native American Dollars for the next 10 years.....But after that....
I wouldn't mind seeing MLK on a circulating coin, though I think lady liberty is long overdue for a comeback.
The thing that's missing from this discussion is that MLK didn't just advance the status of black people in the USA; his thoughts improved the chances that all people in the future will live in peaceful equality.
One lesson of history is that you never know if your little group will be on the chopping block next. I haven't encountered many black coin collectors in my time, but I have encountered many collectors who are Mormon, Jewish, disabled, and, of course, rich. Shoot, I bet half the members of this fourm are rich. You wouldn't think we benefited from MLK's admonisions against bigotry, but we did, because his writings make it a little less likely that we'll face the gallows if public opinion sways far against wealth again, as it has in the past.
And what happens when the USA is no longer demographically mostly white? The white minority in 2200 will be thanking MLK. "Nice talks," indeed.
<< <i>I wouldn't mind seeing MLK on a circulating coin, though I think lady liberty is long overdue for a comeback.
The thing that's missing from this discussion is that MLK didn't just advance the status of black people in the USA; his thoughts improved the chances that all people in the future will live in peaceful equality.
One lesson of history is that you never know if your little group will be on the chopping block next. I haven't encountered many black coin collectors in my time, but I have encountered many collectors who are Mormon, Jewish, disabled, and, of course, rich. Shoot, I bet half the members of this fourm are rich. You wouldn't think we benefited from MLK's admonisions against bigotry, but we did, because his writings make it a little less likely that we'll face the gallows if public opinion sways far against wealth again, as it has in the past.
And what happens when the USA is no longer demographically mostly white? The white minority in 2200 will be thanking MLK. "Nice talks," indeed. >>
Very Interesting.
I'd like to be around in 2200 to congratulate you on just how prescient this statement might be. Alas, we'll just have to imagine how things might be in 2200. But if demographic trends continue over the next 191 years, this country will become a much more colorful version of its former old-rich-white-male-dominated self. Can you say "Sotomayor"? It's already started and a foregone conclusion for most with any foresight. I welcome the change. And our coinage should again reflect the ideals of Liberty that we all believe in and abandon the white-male deadhead worship on our coins. And I wouldn't mind seeing MLK on a commem coin, but not a circulating coin. And I've had enough with the circulating commems already. Anyway, I'm starting to repeat myself. Time to step back a sec.
EDITED: for spelling
"Please help us keep these boards professional and informative…. And fun." - DW --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONGO HURTLES ALONG THE RAIN SODDEN HIGHWAY OF LIFE ON UNDERINFLATED BALD RETREAD TIRES
Heck in 2200 this sad country will be a hollow shell of its former greatness. A lawless land of fomer welfare bread ancestors. What made us once great is now preventing us from moving forward. I am for helping the less fortunate, but we have to draw a line somewhere. Healthcare and welfare aren't rights. They are priviledges that need to be earned.
Socialism to a degree is good, but I am sorry GM, Citi etc. needed to fail and let the chips fall as they will. That is why America the land of oppurtunity thrived. No one is above the other. Not preferential treatment because you paid to have the right guy elected.
I don't care what race, religion etc. if you value the capitalistic roots of our country then you better all be very scared of where this country is headed. A bankrupt socialist nation with a mountain of debt it can't repay.
If I say something in the woods, and my wife isn't around. Am I still wrong?
<< <i>if you value the capitalistic roots of our country then you better all be very scared of where this country is headed. A bankrupt socialist nation with a mountain of debt it can't repay. >>
Well it seems to me that we already have a bankrupt capitalist nation with a mountain of debt it can’t repay. Now if the difference between that and a bankrupt socialist country is that people will have healthcare under bankrupt socialism and will die untreated under bankrupt capitalism, which do you think people will choose?
Edited to add: If you put lady liberty on a coin people wouldn't know who the heck she is. They'd be asking is that Madonna?
<< <i>if you value the capitalistic roots of our country then you better all be very scared of where this country is headed. A bankrupt socialist nation with a mountain of debt it can't repay. >>
Well it seems to me that we already have a bankrupt capitalist nation with a mountain of debt it can’t repay. Now if the difference between that and a bankrupt socialist country is that people will have healthcare under bankrupt socialism and will die untreated under bankrupt capitalism, which do you think people will choose?
Edited to add: If you put lady liberty on a coin people wouldn't know who the heck she is. They'd be asking is that Madonna?
CG >>
In you scenario, there would be no difference since a Bankrupt Socialist Society would be just as unable to pay for Obamacare as would a Bankrupt Capitalist Society.
I'll take capitalism over socialism any day of the week.
As for MLK on a one cent coin? Not so much.
Collector of Early 20th Century U.S. Coinage. ANA Member R-3147111
<< <i>Did I enter a time warp? I seem to have stumbled onto the old Open Forum. R95 >>
So far it's a pretty civil, apropos conversation Renman. And if kept as such, will go a long way toward numismatic education in the current and future political environments, regardless of where you stand on MLK being considered for a new circulating cent.
"Please help us keep these boards professional and informative…. And fun." - DW --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BONGO HURTLES ALONG THE RAIN SODDEN HIGHWAY OF LIFE ON UNDERINFLATED BALD RETREAD TIRES
In you scenario, there would be no difference since a Bankrupt Socialist Society would be just as unable to pay for Obamacare as would a Bankrupt Capitalist Society.
Wow, this one is way of the rails now. Those that bemoan "Obamacare" generally aren't the ones in need of care, and that's why their complaints ring hollow.
<<<............'cause otherwise I wouldn't want much to do with many of you poor, downtrodden white guys. >>>
Nice! Now replace "white" with any minority and how does it sound? Like I said earlier in this thread prejudice and bigotry comes in many forms.
Always perplexing to read some people's definitions of prejudice. "The Majority As Victim" is a favorite theme of most Rush/Hannity/Beck disciples. Then when the pendulum swings back to political power for them, their memories of victimization disappear in favor of "Pulling Yourself Up By Your Bootstraps."
... and this is the reason that discussions here involving politics usually get bounced. >>
And why I generally don't get involved in any discussions that might have a political side. I've just been noticing many, many examples of this lately. It's not personal or emotional with me as I am not looking for a promotion before I retire and don't listen to or participate in political chat forums or radio where it gets made into an emotional issue. It shouldn't affect my kids because their mother is Asian so they can call themselves minority or not depending on how the wind is blowing when they enter the job force. What does bother me is the unqualified people who have been moved into management in many many companies across the country and the bad decisions being made based on improper priorities that is driving previously good companies and this economy and many others down. I assume this will pass.
As for the original comment, I will admit that much of the over correction and resulting injustice may have been done by MLKs disciples after his death but those pushing this agenda cite MLK as their hero, not Lincoln.
I still think Lincoln should stay on the cent until it is retired.
This is my last post in this thread. I don't really feel the need to change the opinions of those who disagree and don't want to lose the respect of those who disagree with me just because we don't see eye to eye on one subject. Hey, this is America.
<< <i>I would like to replace Kennedy on the half with a picture of Al Sharpton. >>
I would disagree but certain forum members would accuse me of being a racist.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
Lincoln created the promise, and King fulfilled it.
It took a lot of courage and strength to do what King did.
1/2 Cents
U.S. Revenue Stamps
Bringing her back would establish the fact that no single individual made this country what it is, but all people responding to the pursuit of Liberty.
The name is LEE!
<< <i>All the replies and suggestions and the reasons for the suggestions simply fortifies the reason that Lady Liberty should be returned to the United States of America coinage and currency. Regardless of personal accomplishments, all the above named individuals had one common tie.
Bringing her back would establish the fact that no single individual made this country what it is, but all people responding to the pursuit of Liberty. >>
Gardnerville, NV
Our Website -->Innovation, Native & Presidential Dollar Errors, Lincoln Cents and more
Check it out --> Our eBay Auctions
<< <i>All the replies and suggestions and the reasons for the suggestions simply fortifies the reason that Lady Liberty should be returned to the United States of America coinage and currency. Regardless of personal accomplishments, all the above named individuals had one common tie.
Bringing her back would establish the fact that no single individual made this country what it is, but all people responding to the pursuit of Liberty. >>
Gardnerville, NV
Our Website -->Innovation, Native & Presidential Dollar Errors, Lincoln Cents and more
Check it out --> Our eBay Auctions
<< <i>To be immediately followed by the Al Sharpton $3 bill... >>
Can't forget the Jesse Jackson Dime...
<< <i>Apparently many coin collectors just can't stomach seeing a person of color, especially a Black man, in a position of power much less having a prominent appearance on a coin or banknote. That's what it comes down to for a lot of people, whether or not they want to admit it. It is pathetic how ignorant and narrow-minded many people can be. >>
It seems to me the narrow-minded-ness is coming from the other side of the fence lately. We can exclude white men but can't exclude women or minorities. I grew up in Missouri where one might think the backwoods mentality fostered cointinued prejudice. But in the 60s we were taught very clearly tht discrimination was a thing of the past, and that was almost 50 years ago. Next came women's rights and I am a product of the ERA generation when women and men were supposed to be treated equal. But now we've overcorrected. There is no equal treatment. I found that out in divorce. Look at promotion statistics in any large company and you'll see that women and minorities are getting twice the promotions of white men (or higher) and it has become expected to target women and minorities for promotions. Additionally there are laws that require companies to give women and minority controlled businesses preferential treatment in business decisions.
I think we should leave someone on the cent who believed in equality. That would be Lincoln, not King.
<< <i>Sorry Jerry et al but you have no clue. >>
... and this is the reason that discussions here involving politics usually get bounced.
1/2 Cents
U.S. Revenue Stamps
In all seriousness, King on a coin wouldn't bother me, but I would prefer it be a commem and not a circulating coin. I am in agreement with those of you that think american coinage should go back to the days of Standing Liberty and Indian Heads. But really, why makeover any of the current coin denominations, when it may be better to leave well enough alone? It is only going too be a matter of time before every transaction will be commenced with a Debit or Credit card and coins will be obsolete.
Visit my son's caringbridge page @ Runner's Caringbridge Page
"To Give Anything Less than Your Best, Is to Sacrifice the Gift" - Steve Prefontaine
Reading through many of the replies here I'm again happy that at least we all love coins............'cause otherwise I wouldn't want much to do with many of you poor, downtrodden white guys.
Granted, we have quite a few years committed to Pres Dollars and Sacagawea/ Native American Dollars for the next 10 years.....But after that....
Gardnerville, NV
Our Website -->Innovation, Native & Presidential Dollar Errors, Lincoln Cents and more
Check it out --> Our eBay Auctions
The thing that's missing from this discussion is that MLK didn't just advance the status of black people in the USA; his thoughts improved the chances that all people in the future will live in peaceful equality.
One lesson of history is that you never know if your little group will be on the chopping block next. I haven't encountered many black coin collectors in my time, but I have encountered many collectors who are Mormon, Jewish, disabled, and, of course, rich. Shoot, I bet half the members of this fourm are rich. You wouldn't think we benefited from MLK's admonisions against bigotry, but we did, because his writings make it a little less likely that we'll face the gallows if public opinion sways far against wealth again, as it has in the past.
And what happens when the USA is no longer demographically mostly white? The white minority in 2200 will be thanking MLK. "Nice talks," indeed.
<< <i>I wouldn't mind seeing MLK on a circulating coin, though I think lady liberty is long overdue for a comeback.
The thing that's missing from this discussion is that MLK didn't just advance the status of black people in the USA; his thoughts improved the chances that all people in the future will live in peaceful equality.
One lesson of history is that you never know if your little group will be on the chopping block next. I haven't encountered many black coin collectors in my time, but I have encountered many collectors who are Mormon, Jewish, disabled, and, of course, rich. Shoot, I bet half the members of this fourm are rich. You wouldn't think we benefited from MLK's admonisions against bigotry, but we did, because his writings make it a little less likely that we'll face the gallows if public opinion sways far against wealth again, as it has in the past.
And what happens when the USA is no longer demographically mostly white? The white minority in 2200 will be thanking MLK. "Nice talks," indeed. >>
Very Interesting.
I'd like to be around in 2200 to congratulate you on just how prescient this statement might be. Alas, we'll just have to imagine how things might be in 2200. But if demographic trends continue over the next 191 years, this country will become a much more colorful version of its former old-rich-white-male-dominated self. Can you say "Sotomayor"? It's already started and a foregone conclusion for most with any foresight. I welcome the change. And our coinage should again reflect the ideals of Liberty that we all believe in and abandon the white-male deadhead worship on our coins. And I wouldn't mind seeing MLK on a commem coin, but not a circulating coin. And I've had enough with the circulating commems already. Anyway, I'm starting to repeat myself. Time to step back a sec.
EDITED: for spelling
Socialism to a degree is good, but I am sorry GM, Citi etc. needed to fail and let the chips fall as they will. That is why America the land of oppurtunity thrived. No one is above the other. Not preferential treatment because you paid to have the right guy elected.
I don't care what race, religion etc. if you value the capitalistic roots of our country then you better all be very scared of where this country is headed. A bankrupt socialist nation with a mountain of debt it can't repay.
<< <i>if you value the capitalistic roots of our country then you better all be very scared of where this country is headed. A bankrupt socialist nation with a mountain of debt it can't repay. >>
Well it seems to me that we already have a bankrupt capitalist nation with a mountain of debt it can’t repay. Now if the difference between that and a bankrupt socialist country is that people will have healthcare under bankrupt socialism and will die untreated under bankrupt capitalism, which do you think people will choose?
Edited to add: If you put lady liberty on a coin people wouldn't know who the heck she is. They'd be asking is that Madonna?
<< <i>
<< <i>if you value the capitalistic roots of our country then you better all be very scared of where this country is headed. A bankrupt socialist nation with a mountain of debt it can't repay. >>
Well it seems to me that we already have a bankrupt capitalist nation with a mountain of debt it can’t repay. Now if the difference between that and a bankrupt socialist country is that people will have healthcare under bankrupt socialism and will die untreated under bankrupt capitalism, which do you think people will choose?
Edited to add: If you put lady liberty on a coin people wouldn't know who the heck she is. They'd be asking is that Madonna?
CG >>
In you scenario, there would be no difference since a Bankrupt Socialist Society would be just as unable to pay for Obamacare as would a Bankrupt Capitalist Society.
I'll take capitalism over socialism any day of the week.
As for MLK on a one cent coin? Not so much.
Collector of Early 20th Century U.S. Coinage.
ANA Member R-3147111
Nice! Now replace "white" with any minority and how does it sound?
Like I said earlier in this thread prejudice and bigotry comes in many forms.
<< <i>If you put lady liberty on a coin people wouldn't know who the heck she is. They'd be asking is that Madonna? >>
60 years into this hobby and I'm still working on my Lincoln set!
<< <i>Did I enter a time warp? I seem to have stumbled onto the old Open Forum.
R95 >>
So far it's a pretty civil, apropos conversation Renman. And if kept as such, will go a long way toward numismatic education in the current and future political environments, regardless of where you stand on MLK being considered for a new circulating cent.
Wow, this one is way of the rails now. Those that bemoan "Obamacare" generally aren't the ones in need of care, and that's why their complaints ring hollow.
<<<............'cause otherwise I wouldn't want much to do with many of you poor, downtrodden white guys. >>>
Nice! Now replace "white" with any minority and how does it sound?
Like I said earlier in this thread prejudice and bigotry comes in many forms.
Always perplexing to read some people's definitions of prejudice. "The Majority As Victim" is a favorite theme of most Rush/Hannity/Beck disciples. Then when the pendulum swings back to political power for them, their memories of victimization disappear in favor of "Pulling Yourself Up By Your Bootstraps."
half with a picture of Al Sharpton.
<< <i>
<< <i>Sorry Jerry et al but you have no clue. >>
... and this is the reason that discussions here involving politics usually get bounced. >>
And why I generally don't get involved in any discussions that might have a political side. I've just been noticing many, many examples of this lately. It's not personal or emotional with me as I am not looking for a promotion before I retire and don't listen to or participate in political chat forums or radio where it gets made into an emotional issue. It shouldn't affect my kids because their mother is Asian so they can call themselves minority or not depending on how the wind is blowing when they enter the job force. What does bother me is the unqualified people who have been moved into management in many many companies across the country and the bad decisions being made based on improper priorities that is driving previously good companies and this economy and many others down. I assume this will pass.
As for the original comment, I will admit that much of the over correction and resulting injustice may have been done by MLKs disciples after his death but those pushing this agenda cite MLK as their hero, not Lincoln.
I still think Lincoln should stay on the cent until it is retired.
This is my last post in this thread. I don't really feel the need to change the opinions of those who disagree and don't want to lose the respect of those who disagree with me just because we don't see eye to eye on one subject. Hey, this is America.
<< <i>I would like to replace Kennedy on the
half with a picture of Al Sharpton. >>
I would disagree but certain forum members would accuse me of being a racist.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire