1875 S/S Twent Cent Piece...a listed variety?
One of my recent purchases included this nice twenty center. Looking at the mint mark I noted that it is clearly an S over S. I did the best that I could with the close-ups and you can clearly see another set of serifs for the underlying S. I checked Cherrypickers and there isn't much on the 20centers...is this a common variety?
Worthy of a slight premium (10-25% IMO).
It IS a Cherrypicker variety - at least the misplaced date part of it is (although I find the $ S/S more interesting).
While the date without the MPD is scarcer than one with, ones with both the MPD & RPM are scarcer than both I believe.
Some dealers do charge a premium as it is a "scarce" variety. However, nobody really collects this denomination by variety (or even collects the denomination!) so it is very easy to cherrypick. Far more common are double dimes with a clear, distinct mintmark.
A study I did in 1993 looked at the mintmark varieties in a collection of double dimes yielded the following:
Table: Sampling of 195 1875-S Twenty Cent Piece Mintmarks
Mintmark Style --- Number --- Percent
Clear S --- 129 --- 66.2%
Clear S/S --- 17 --- 8.7%
Filled S/S --- 14 --- 7.2%
“$ Variety” --- 35 --- 17.9%
From: "Mintmark varieties of the 1875-S twenty-cent piece. Errorscope 2003;12(3):5-7."
Here are examples of the mintmarks (sorry for the large images)...
Clear S
Clear S/S
Filled S/S
"$ Variety"
P.S. Your coin is a cleaned EF-40
Edited to try and fix the table...
See http://www.doubledimes.com for a free online reference for US twenty-cent pieces
See http://www.doubledimes.com for a free online reference for US twenty-cent pieces
i saw half a dozen of the various s/s today and passed on them all. if they were in holders and/or were uncleaned i probably woulda picked them up.