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** Winner Announced ** Red Book Challenge #2 -- Giveaway

My wife opened the red book Saturday evening and flipped back and forth and ended up on page 128.

The winner is AskRaq with her last minute entry!

Keep an eye out for future giveaways, I've still got a lot of prizes left!

So I won a giveaway a few weeks ago on the forum. I never did recieve my prize though image So in light of that I am going to do my own giveaway! I am going to offer a bunch of different items and the winner can choose what item they want as the prize. Here is the link to my last giveaway Red Book Challenge #1

So this is the same as the last giveaway although there are some new items for prizes. This saturday I am going to have my wife flip through the 2009 Red Book. The page that she stops on is the winning number, she is right handed but she may throw a curveball and go through it backwards. So simply pick a number and pick a prize. If you guess before I list the prizes be sure to come back into the post and edit your reply to add the prize you choose. GOODLUCK!

EDIT- Here are the prizes to choose from-
1. Book of nickels- war nickels, buffalos, v nickels- 65 total
2. Bag of wheats- Probly 300ish maybe more
3. 1935 Doubled Die reverse buffalo-Ef raw
4. Bank roll of new 2009 puerto rico quarters
5. Pilgrim half dollar- Ef raw
6. Two Washington quarters- 1940-d-1936-d- Both raw and vf or so
7. Two 1864 2 cent pieces- Both raw and both in rough shape.
8. 1868 trime- Raw rough shape
9. 1923-S walking liberty half x 2 - Raw- great for a low ball set image
10. 6 rosie dimes- 1946-D doubled die reverse- 1949-s-x2- 1946-d x3
11. 15% off any morgan listed on my site.
12. Mark Goodman's Numismatic photography 2nd edition. Brand new image
If I get some time I will image the prizes. Make sure to come back in and edit your replys to ad what prize you want.



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