Speaking of storing cards, does anyone make boxes specifically designed to hold 75 or 100 PSA graded cards? I could see where a long skinny box with a lid that would hold the cards in their upright position would be very useful. If there were such a thing, where would I find them?
Frank Smith (fsmith@bankofastoria.com)
Looking for 1975, 1978, and 1979 Topps Baseball in high end PSA 9 and PSA 10. ______________________________________ The best presents in life are the ones you give yourself!
I normally pick these up at the major shows where PSA sets up and they're $5 each. They used to be available from the PSA web site, but I can't seem to find them any more. I've e-mailed Charlie to see if they've taken them of the site or if I've just missed them.
I use the black boxes as well. They are no longer listed on the web site however you can still order them via telephone 1-800-325-1121.
They take forever to be delivered. I ordered my latest 15 box case on February 14th and they still haven't arrived. The first time I ordered them it took a month to be delivered.
I wanted to wait for the "National" to get more, but a lot of my cards are expose to potential dust hazards. And Vargha...My wife dusts them for me. As I said in a post a long time ago "She is a PSA 10!!!"
Therefore, to me, Happiness is...Enjoying my hobby and having a wife who supports it.
I've actually been making my own storage boxes from copier or computer paper boxes from Staples. I cut the height of the box down to "just over" the height of a PSA card standing upright. That gives me enough cardboard to create two seperators (three rows) in the box. It already has a nice top that covers most of the bottom. Works well since I can get between 240 and 250 PSA's per box. The money I save goes back to PSA.
They stack very nicely as well!!!
Frank Bakka Sets - 1970, 1971 and 1972 Always looking for 1972 O-PEE-CHEE Baseball in PSA 9 or 10!
Carlos> The one time I ordered the boxes, they took 3 weeks despite the web site saying "Guaranteed In Stock". Because of this I just hold out til I can buy them at one of the major shows. Considering I've had grading orders turned around in less than two weeks, waiting three weeks for an order of boxes seems ridiculous.
FB -- You scare me because I Have done the same thing with Staples boxes for computer paper and have cut the height down as well as put in the separators made from those same boxes.
I use the 1600 card tall vault boxes. When assembling, I cut the center divider in half lengthwise. These boxes are heavy duty and hold 160 PSA slabs. Neat, organized, and one does not get a hernia moving them around.
I tried buying these boxes at the Hollywood Park show a little less than a month ago and the PSA booth employee told me that they had run out of them and they were on order. I ordered 15 last week and I'm on the West Coast they said it would take about a week. We'll see.
1972 Topps Baseball PSA 8 or higher/1978 Topps Baseball PSA 9 or higher.
There is a box made that holds graded cards, its called a "vault box". I've used them for year now. They have a 2 piece design and are super sturdy. I get mine from Baseball Card World null. Just follow the link to storage boxes, and go down to vault boxes, they say they hold only 30-35 but unless they have changed I put nearly 70 into mine.
MetalMike> I do have a couple of those. For me, it's a trade-off. . .I really like the look of the PSA boxes. . .but the vault boxes are nice and white so you can write on them describing contents, etc. And at least the ones I picked up, they hold SGC-graded cards as well.
I have 30 of the hard PSA 25 count boxes for my 1969 set. I keep it at my MD address stacked 3 high across the kitchen counter as I never use the counter anyway. IN fact you hardly notice them because you have to look down do keep from tripping over all the 800 count boxes on the floor!
Frank Smith
The best presents in life are the ones you give yourself!
I have links to what these look like-
Box 1
Box 2
I normally pick these up at the major shows where PSA sets up and they're $5 each. They used to be available from the PSA web site, but I can't seem to find them any more. I've e-mailed Charlie to see if they've taken them of the site or if I've just missed them.
I use the black boxes as well. They are no longer listed on the web site however you can still order them via telephone 1-800-325-1121.
They take forever to be delivered. I ordered my latest 15 box case on February 14th and they still haven't arrived. The first time I ordered them it took a month to be delivered.
I wanted to wait for the "National" to get more, but a lot of my cards are expose to potential dust hazards. And Vargha...My wife dusts them for me. As I said in a post a long time ago "She is a PSA 10!!!"
Therefore, to me, Happiness is...Enjoying my hobby and having a wife who supports it.
They stack very nicely as well!!!
Sets - 1970, 1971 and 1972
Always looking for 1972 O-PEE-CHEE Baseball in PSA 9 or 10!
outerbankyank on eBay!
I use the 1600 card tall vault boxes. When assembling, I cut the center divider in half lengthwise. These boxes are heavy duty and hold 160 PSA slabs. Neat, organized, and one does not get a hernia moving them around.
I scare a lotta people...
Sets - 1970, 1971 and 1972
Always looking for 1972 O-PEE-CHEE Baseball in PSA 9 or 10!
outerbankyank on eBay!
I sure hope they have them in 2 weeks for the Sun-Times show.
Thanks for the info metalmike20
Lemme guess... you're not married...
Sets - 1970, 1971 and 1972
Always looking for 1972 O-PEE-CHEE Baseball in PSA 9 or 10!
outerbankyank on eBay!
Actually I am. I have a house in NJ. I work in MD during the week and go home on Friday's.
CU turns its lonely eyes to you
What's the you say, Mrs Robinson
Vargha bucks have left and gone away?
hey hey hey
hey hey hey