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Did anyone receive free access today for the 6/29/09 Coin World digital edition?

I got an email from Coin World today with the subject header: "Coin World 6/29/2009".
I clicked on the front page cover graphic in the email and it opened up a full digital edition of the June 29th issue.


  • Got mine today....but I subscribe image
  • tahoe98tahoe98 Posts: 11,388 ✭✭✭

    ..........so how do you like it?image
    "government is not reason, it is not eloquence-it is a force! like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master; never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action." George Washington
  • edix2001edix2001 Posts: 3,388
    It's relatively easy to browse.
    It's a bit harder to zoom to a readable aspect compared to the digital Numismatist.
  • thisnamztakenthisnamztaken Posts: 4,101 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>..........so how do you like it?image >>

    I subscribe to one of their "hard copy" mags. so have been getting the digital edition free this year. It is a little hard to segue from article to article though, and you have to keep clicking the "enlarge"/+ icon over and over to finally get it large enough to read easily.

    I'm not very techie, but I'm sure their site could be made much easier to navigate.
    I never thought that growing old would happen so fast.
    - Jim
  • edix2001edix2001 Posts: 3,388
    Well, I've been getting free online access to Coin World via email for three straight weeks now.

    Sad to read the article this week about the death of Moffatt & Co. co-owner, Martin Roenigk, of Eureka Springs, Arkansas.
  • I just got the 7-13-09 access. Before that, the 7-06-09. I got the 6-29-09 on 6-15.
  • I've tracked the free access all the way back to April 27th.

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