Virtual Uncut Sheets of Vintage Football Cards

For those who haven't seem them, here's something I've been messing with: "virtual" uncut sheets of cards. I already had all the thumbnail scans, so I just rearranged them so that they resemble sheets. Here they are:
1960 Fleer
1959 Topps
1970 Topps Super
1960 Fleer
1959 Topps
1970 Topps Super
Thanks for sharing your efforts!
1961 Fleer football second series
Vintage Football Card Gallery
I've been toying around with digital "binders." 8 or 9 card pages that can be flipped, exposing the reverse of the page prior towards the left and the obverse of the next page towards the right.
I can scan 8 or 9 cards at a time that way...I'm a cheat. Anyway, the goal is to have a digital binder shelf on my site featuring as many sets as possible. I'm not capable of doing the techie part on my own though, so I'm relying on another guy to help me with the majority of it. In the end, I hope to have a virtual bookshelf, the user will click the shelf to zoom in, then click the binder by chosing based upon the set title "written" on the binder, the binder will then pull out and open up, allowing the user to chose a page number and flip through the pages one by one.
It's a lofty goal, but one day. All I've completed is some of the png files and some of the scanning. The rest is kind of out of my hands for now.
Vintage Football Card Gallery
1969 Topps football virtual uncut sheets
Vintage Football Card Gallery
1948 Bowman virtual uncut sheets
Vintage Football Card Gallery
Vintage Football Card Gallery
I believe many cards designated short print are that way because someone said so years ago and no one questioned it. When speculation is not questioned it is easy for it to become fact. You have removed the speculation and replaced it with facts backed by evidence and data. Beckett, if they're interested in providing a factual price guide should employ you!
Nice work and I visit your website often. I'm very impressed with what you've done.
That said, the price guides clearly could use an update, based on sheets that have turned up, and on the population reports. By comparing the sheets with the pop reports, you could make some generalizations about what makes certain cards scarce, and work them into the pricing.
Vintage Football Card Gallery