1929 Graf Zeppelin Around the world

Just picked up this rare historic medal.
Graf Zeppelin 1929 World Tour Silver Medal, commemorating the Round-the-World Trip 1929. This was created by the sculptor Glöckler who was renowned for his superior designs. The medal has on the obverse a triple portrait of gentlemen with the title 'Zeppelin Der Schöpfer, Eckener Der Führer, Dürr Der Erbauer' (Zeppelin the Creator, Eckener the leader [captain], Dürr the builder). On the reverse is a globe image with 'Tokio 19.8 23.8', 'Los Angeles 26.8 27.8 / 29.8 8.8 2.9', 'Friedrichshafen 10.8 15.8 4.9'. Large title around the outside 'I Weltfahrt Des Luftschiffs “Graf Zeppelin” 1929' (First around-the-world journey of the airship “Graf Zeppelin” 1929)
This medal was issued in 1929 by 'Preuss. Staatsmünze Silber 900 Fein' (Prussian State Coin [mint], silver [grade] 900 fine) - marked around the rim. The medal is 36 mm wide and weighs 26 grams
Graf Zeppelin 1929 World Tour Silver Medal, commemorating the Round-the-World Trip 1929. This was created by the sculptor Glöckler who was renowned for his superior designs. The medal has on the obverse a triple portrait of gentlemen with the title 'Zeppelin Der Schöpfer, Eckener Der Führer, Dürr Der Erbauer' (Zeppelin the Creator, Eckener the leader [captain], Dürr the builder). On the reverse is a globe image with 'Tokio 19.8 23.8', 'Los Angeles 26.8 27.8 / 29.8 8.8 2.9', 'Friedrichshafen 10.8 15.8 4.9'. Large title around the outside 'I Weltfahrt Des Luftschiffs “Graf Zeppelin” 1929' (First around-the-world journey of the airship “Graf Zeppelin” 1929)
This medal was issued in 1929 by 'Preuss. Staatsmünze Silber 900 Fein' (Prussian State Coin [mint], silver [grade] 900 fine) - marked around the rim. The medal is 36 mm wide and weighs 26 grams

Thankfully there are a myriad of collectables, coins, medals and ephemera from Germany and even the USA and Russia that commemorate the Zeppelins.
The Mysterious Egyptian Magic Coin
Coins in Movies
Coins on Television
They look like decent coins. Perhaps the reserve was too high?
Willyboyd, That must have been a cool experience